Operating Systems > macOS


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Has anyone ever been to this site before ? I always knew there would be people who hated apple with a passion but i never knew they would be such doosh bags.

oh well


wow, this guy is a duche bag,

All of his "facts" are outdated trash.


and he looks like  dolt. I support linux but I never used it, fuck him. Someone should send him an e-mail with a link to the MES, maybe we can have a good ol' flame war  :D

This guy is really not worth it. After all, that section of his site hasn't been updated for more than a year or so.    :D

I still don't understand what motivation Mac haters have. Whenever I ask them what it is they never give me a straight answer, which leads me to believe that they have no motivation, only ignorance, stupidity, and boredom.

[ May 22, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS ]

his shirt has a picture of an over-hairy muff on it...


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