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quote: Mac OS X vs. Windows XP
How does Apple's next-gen System software stack up against Microsoft's newest OS?

By Graeme Bennett
Posted Mar. 27, 2000; Last updated: Jan. 20, 2002
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This says it all. This site is nothing more than a left-over advert for the release of Win XP.
Live Free or Die: Linux

"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
      --Daffy Duck


quote:Originally posted by Big-Mac-Maniac:
his shirt has a picture of an over-hairy muff on it...
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Oh, that's what that was! Thanks for clearing that up    :D  

And check out the message boards there...filled with 30% mac users and 70% morons.

[ April 29, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

Lord C:
ROFL, that website made me piss.
"Linux Menu" nothing happens.... quite sad.

I do have to agree, PCs pwn Macs.
Ive used macs at college for a year - and if i never see another it'll be too soon.

Slow/ugly/stupid peices of shit. IS my personal optinion - please dont toast me, i've just had a very bad experience. lol

I suppose a Mac is better then a PC with Widnows. But even a Comadore is ;D


quote: I do have to agree, PCs pwn Macs.
Ive used macs at college for a year - and if i never see another it'll be too soon.

Slow/ugly/stupid peices of shit. IS my personal optinion - please dont toast me, i've just had a very bad experience. lol
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bwahahahahaaa......  :D  
i hate your opinion by the way  ;)  . what did you use at school by the way? couldn't have been a jaguar system.

Lord C:
They have had everythign, they somehow keep getting burgled ( i recon its an inside job )

I dont remember all the names cos their all like bMac, cMac iMac, jMac... yeah - all them.  ;)

The big bulky orange things, and the round white ones with flat monitors on coat-hangers, that start to drop after a while. jaja.

I saw a PC in the multimedia room once... dont know how it got there but you should have seen the fight to get to it! lol, it seems only the 3tutors like the macs tbh.


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