Operating Systems > macOS

Run OSX on x86

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quote:You can the emulator, can't you?
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Yes, but I don't have a copy of OSX.

quote:Anyway, one of the many things I like about the Mac is the ergonomy of the interface and the whole system (which involves much more than just 'ease of use'). It's not only about allowing people to get work done, it's about allowing beginners, average users and professionals alike to do a maximum amount of work with a minimum amount of configuration and tweaking.
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So basically it's "user-friendly". I don't need that. At least not when it's at the cost of flexibility/compatibility, which user friendliness always is.


quote: Yes, but I don't have a copy of OSX.
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I don't recall that you have ever had qualms over just grabbing a copy from your favourite file sharing network.

quote: So basically it's "user-friendly". I don't need that. At least not when it's at the cost of flexibility/compatibility, which user friendliness always is.
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That's only one aspect, and as I have said it doesn't necessarily concern you. But the best part is that the user-friendliness is implemented in a way that maximises flexibility for everyone (not just the hardcore command line users, though that option is fully available), as opposed to the 'bureaucracy' task-based systems with lots of 'wizards' like Windows XP, Longhorn and many Linux distributions.

Compatibility is actually a strong point of OS X, as it allows you to run many commercial as well as OSS/free software, Mac OS Classic software and Windows software with VirtualPC (and soon Darwine).

[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:

Compatibility is actually a strong point of OS X, as it allows you to run many commercial as well as OSS/free software, Mac OS Classic software and Windows software with VirtualPC (and soon Darwine).

[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
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What about the limitations of the architecture of a mac.

GNU is meant to be an entire free system.
Not only partly...

PS: Does that pearpc emulator also emulates the money to buy a mac and OSX?
(If I had a mac, I whould still run Linux on it.)

[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: insomnia ]


quote: What about the limitations of the architecture of a mac.
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As opposed to the limitations of the x86 architecture?


quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:

As opposed to the limitations of the x86 architecture?
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I mean functionality.
(adding extra hardware and stuff)


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