Read it's comments.
It's probably untrue.
Not that anything that Apple does in secret has anything to do with this.
Yes, that's why I said, believe what you want about that. But Rhapsody x86 has in fact existed, since I have it on CD.
I stated(and still do) that this PearPC will never
replace a real mac and that OSX will never be fully ported to PC(remaining Linux and BSD as your best PC choice).
I've also explaint why this only counts for OSX and not Darwin(still not perfect on PC).
So you meant that OS X cannot be properly
emulated on x86. OK, that I can agree with.
As for the price.
I bought a P4 for 420 Euro
My software and administration costs: 0 Euro
Can you find me a new Mac for that price?
OK, let me restate my point. Yes, Apple does not sell computers at that price, but saying that people who buy Macs 'pay a lot of money' is a gross exaggeration. And as the article I posted has shown, PCs equipped with similar hardware as Macs are not significantly less expensive.
And as a matter of fact, yes, it is quite possible to get a Mac for that price. First, find a Powermac 9500 for 20