Operating Systems > macOS
Run OSX on x86
quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:
Oh, really?
[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
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Yes, really!
Most of them are only pc compatible.
Same thing with most cheap webcams, cheap printers, cheap beatboxes, cheap ...
Companies don't make cheap things for a very expensive architecture.
A (rich) friend of me has mac, but also just bought a pc to run all those things.
Mac has a very big compatibility problem.
It's just to limited!
Also, do you actually claim, OSX is a better(or even just as good) platform for programmers?!
(unless you're a graphical designer)
PS: Bashing any OS is always easy.
A perfect OS simply doesn't exist.
Just accept the fact that different people have different needs. ;)
[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: insomnia ]
quote: Most of them are only pc compatible.
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They CLAIM they are only PC compatible, but it's not like most of them claim to be Linux compatible, either.
quote: Companies don't make cheap things for a very expensive architecture.
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That's a ridiculous argument. There is plenty of cheap hardware that is Mac only. All companies need to do is write the drivers and use USB. There are even open source drivers for OS X.
quote: Also, do you actually claim, OSX is a better(or even just as good) platform for programmers?!
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Yes. At least just as good.
quote: A perfect OS simply doesn't exist.
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I didn't claim that. For people who use command line there is little point in using OS X.
[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
quote:Yes. At least just as good.
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Keep dreaming.
[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: insomnia ]
quote:They CLAIM they are only PC compatible, but it's not like most of them claim to be Linux compatible, either.
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Did I mention Linux?
I was only talking about PC and Mac.
But still, I've never seen somting that I couldn't connect with Linux (This is mostly a legal matter, if it runs on PC, it will run on linux).
quote:That's a ridiculous argument. There is plenty of cheap hardware that is Mac only. All companies need to do is write the drivers and use USB. There are even open source drivers for OS X.
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We must have a different opinion about 'cheap'!
quote:I didn't claim that. For people who use command line there is little point in using OS X.
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You did claim all people would change to OSX once they've seen it. I don't see the difference.
PS: Sorry about the many late editing I just did.
quote:Originally posted by Viper:
Well, it looks like a PPC emulator has finally been created.
There is a version of the emulator for Windows and Linux. This is the first release of the emulator, it will only get better over time.
[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: Viper ]
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