Operating Systems > macOS
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One more thing...
Bundles are Better
I'm right, you're wrong. Get over it.
Edit: Huge images and triple posts deleted. Jimmy James, post that crap again and I will recommend you for troll status.
[ May 12, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
You seem to alternate between reasonable posts and childish rants. If the pattern continues your response to this should be quite amicable.
quote:Design at every level. In an OS, that's everything from filesystem layout, to how errors are handled, to something as seemingly meaningless as what color things should be, be they graphics or text.
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You're still referring to interface design, or at least the design decisions that the user will be aware of. The most important aspects of software design are those that relate to how the software is actually built and implemented.
quote:This is the beef I've got... you're pretty much saying that *what you like is better*.
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Uh? I thought that was what you were saying. What I actually said was
quote:it's good that user friendly software exists, because it enables the average user to use computers.
If you don't like [user-unfriendly programs], then don't use them
--- End quote ---
For the record, I have no interest in what type of interface or what programs you use. You can use a speak and spell for all I care. You're the one proselyting on behalf of OSX. I never tried to convince anyone else to use what I use.
quote:You're obviously just trying to make yourself sound all cool.
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No, that comes without effort.
[ May 12, 2004: Message edited by: flap ]
quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
I'm right, you're wrong. Get over it.
--- End quote ---
Yes Jimmy, you truly outsmarted Flap with your fancy picture and your big letters.
Also, flap, it's not your place to judge my posts. I find yours to fluctuate between uniformed to elitist and rude.
Just simply halfass.
quote:Yes Jimmy, you truly outsmarted Flap with your fancy picture and your big letters
--- End quote ---
it isn't hard! all you have to do for some of these people is have some flashing lights and colors and they'll stare back, vacuous and blank!
Edit: Posts merged.
[ May 12, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
So, here's an idea.
Nobody asked your opinion in the first place, so fuck off.
--- End quote ---
Jimmy, if you keep this up, I WILL bin this post. It is ok to argue and disagree with people, but you must stop calling people morons and saying "fuck off". This is what makes someone a troll.
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