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Come to the MES Forums, where everything makes you a troll.
I'm not gonna spend a whole lotta time quoting everything and giving an all out rebuttle. Just one quote and an analogy.
quote:You're still referring to interface design, or at least the design decisions that the user will be aware of. The most important aspects of software design are those that relate to how the software is actually built and implemented.
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I disagree. Maybe now, how well a program is programmed is important and how it is implemented is important. But I believe soon the difference between "good" software and "bad" software will almost be eliminated. People will get better at programming and more people will expect higher quality than they do now. My analogy is of course, as always, to the automobile industry.
50 years ago you bought a Buick because it wasn't ever gonna break, ever. You could get a Jaguar is you wanted.... to fix it every month. But as time went on the difference between cars, mechanically, shrank. Pretty much all cars last as long and work just as good as any other cars. Although, now the American market seems to be behind, it is essentially all the same. The only difference between what sells and what doesn't sell is looks. Some very good examples of this are the PT Cruiser and the VW Bug. The PT Cruiser is a Dodge Neon with a new skin. It has the same tranny, engine, and drive system. Why do PT Cruisers sell for much more and in much higher quantity than Dodge Neons? because they look good. Same with the bug. The Bug is a VW Golf, yet more copies of the bug have been sold for much more than the golf... why you ask? because it looks good.
Now apply this to future software. When Microsoft Word and Open Office can do the same shit and are equally stable which one will people buy? Now people with no money will have to go with OpenOffice, but a normal consumer will buy MS Word because it has a better UI than OpenOffice does, because it is easier to use and looks better. When Photoshop and Microsoft Photohut (hypothetical) come out which one will be bought by the masses. Even if the MS one has a higher price tag, it will sell because it will look nicer and be easier to use than Photoshop.
So in the very near future when programs are stable and can do the same shit equally well, the one with the superior UI wins outright.
Why are you assuming people will get better at programming?
tell me again, WHY is defending Mac OS in the Mac OS forum trolling?
but blindly bashing it in it's own forum not?
flap and insomnia are the real trolls.
quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
Come to the MES Forums, where everything makes you a troll.
--- End quote ---
quote:Originally posted by Sauron: Troll Warrior:
tell me again, WHY is defending Mac OS in the Mac OS forum trolling?
but blindly bashing it in it's own forum not?
flap and insomnia are the real trolls.
--- End quote ---
Did you guys actually read my whole reply? Having an opinion does NOT make you a troll. flap and insomnia can bash the mac all they want. HOWEVER, saying "fuck off" and shit like that is not ok. This is the kind of thing that starts flame wars, and if this thread turns into another one, then I will can it.
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