Operating Systems > macOS

Run OSX on x86

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Update...I just got hold of PearPC 0.1.2 and OSX 10.3 today  

I have a Pentium 4 2.8Ghz, and the emulation is indeed rather slow, but usable.  It takes about five minutes to boot the image.  Moving windows around and minimizing/maximizing lags somewhat as well.  However, I can use it without getting a headache.  ;)   I found I could speed up Finder a crapload by clicking on that oval-shaped thing in the right-hand corner (lol...what's it called?) so that it looks like the old Finder, and using new windows each time.  There's no networking support for Windows yet, so I can't test out Safari.

But I must say, OSX is quite an amazing package.  It's like the classic OS with an opening to the internals, thanks to the terminal and Activity Monitor.     Just one thing...how do I make the Unix hierarchy appear in Finder?  :confused:

Still, emulating a G3, standard graphics, no USB, etc., I wouldn't recommend any less than my current CPU right now.     It's early yet, so PearPC may speed up in the future.

I just got a BSOD in Win2k while running this.  UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP.  :mad:

I tried same as you WMD, but on Linux. I got it to install but the installation wouldn't boot.
I gave up and took my 3GB disk space back.

May give it a try again when it has progressed a little. I have some got nice screenies from using it though

Hey, does anyone have copies of PearPC 0.1.2, Mac OS X, and Virtual PC?


quote:Originally posted by M51DPS:
Hey, does anyone have copies of PearPC 0.1.2, Mac OS X, and Virtual PC?
--- End quote ---

I have Virtual PC (the last non-MS version)


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