Operating Systems > macOS

Run OSX on x86

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yeah. my favorite system version for those ancient machines is system 4, though. I run 6.0.8 on my SE/30 and it's flawless... an amazing system. I run 7.5.5 on it when I use it for internet stuff, though.

Yes. an SE/30 on the internet. I've even used it for AIM.

I had an SE/30 with 7.5.5 but I tore it apart.


Poor SE/30


quote:Originally posted by insomnia:

Just accept the fact that different people have different needs.     ;)  

[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: insomnia ]
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Ultimately, this is what it should come down to.  For many people, however, pretty much any OS or hardware architecture will work for them, but they just may not realize this.  For me, Mac OS X is what works best for me.  Before I moved over to Mac OS X full time, I used a mix between Mac OS 8/9, Linux, and perhaps a little Windows (games, generally).  With the UNIX core of OS X, this allowed me many of the tools and programs I enjoyed with Linux, but the ease of a Mac.  When I first got OS X, I used it to set up a web server (Apache) with PHP and MySQL.  Because of the early betas, people had already made OS X installers for several of these utilities, which is much easier to get things running than having to wade through plenty of Linux documentation if something doesn't work quite right.

A guy I knew at a LUG was a command-line type of guy who rarely even used a GUI, so Linux worked well for him and he didn't need some colorful X or XP interface.  This is just what worked for him.

As far as a PPC emulator, I do not know if this will ever have any truly useful application, or if it will be seen more as an interesting toy for experimentation.  Maybe if I was at a job where I only had a PC, it might be nice to have an OS X emulator, but the emulator would need to be beefed up performance-wise for it to be even useable.  This is a major problem with x86 emulators, that emulation is a slow process.


quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:

Poor SE/30
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I know.  I really wish I did not do that.  I still have the CPU though (68030)  


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