Operating Systems > macOS

Run OSX on x86

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quote:Originally posted by bedouin:
Though my elitist side hopes Apple shuts this down come Tiger.  OS X is a pleasure that doesn't need to be tainted by ignorant masses.
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Your elitist side should be using an OS that isn't all eye candy and "user friendliness".

quote:All they need to do is change something in the OS that makes it not work with PearPC anymore.
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What makes you think they'll be able to do that?

[ October 04, 2004: Message edited by: flap ]

Ah, flap back for Round 2 against OS X.  

There's some great things besides eye candy and user friendliness in OS X.  The underlying system, for one, is a interesting combination of BSD, Mach, and NeXT, taking good ideas from all.  Most dramatic the the way it deals with application packages (taken from NeXTStep) - there's one folder called /Applications, which contains one "bundle" file for each app.  The bundle contains everything need to run in a single file.  So, to install/uninstall, only one file is dealt with - and all apps total up to a few dozen files.  Totally wonderful to work with.

I'd go on but I have studying to do...I'll leave this to Laukev or someone.  ;)


quote:Originally posted by flap:
Your elitist side should be using an OS that isn't all eye candy and "user friendliness"
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Yeah, then I could be a Linux elitist instead!

Well that's what I'm suggesting, yes.

Beware Redmond, Mac OS X is here and faster than ever! http://www.cherryos.com/ Cherry os, much faster than pearpc, brand new


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