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well, I've been running Panther 7b28 for a week or so now, and I must say that even being beta quality and relatively buggy, it's so vastly improved over 10.2.6 that I'm once again using OS X full time now.

it's obvious that quite a bit of work has been done to Quartz and the drivers for Rage 128, as OpenGL acceleration is now available for iTunes vizzes, which never was before. the entire UI is much faster, snappier, scrolling and resizing is GREATLY improved on my 600MHz iBook. don't expect QE to suddenly be enabled on your Rage 128 card, but expect hella improvement. they managed to get SOME kind of acceleration going

journaling is now the default option when you initialize your HD, which is pretty nice, considering the panther installer for some reason WIPED MY WHOLE DRIVE!!!!

so I'm happy that journaling is enabled. it really makes up for all my data being lost   :D  

I likes it so far!

since I'm an arrogant SOB...


now,  only to get 39.  I have 39 and am looking for 44 now.

update*  Found, downloaded and burned disc 1.  The others havn't been posted on the Newsgroups yet.

Yes, this happened between my last post and now.. About 2 hours... I fucking love bit torrent.

[ August 23, 2003: Message edited by: jeffberg: Mac Capitalist ]


quote:Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
I fucking love bit torrent.
--- End quote ---

I am downloading disc 2 and 3.  However torrent is being a real bitch.  It says I have uploaded over 500MB more than the size of the either of the discs and yet it has stopped downloading.

I fucking hate bit torrent (right now)

If that fucking erases my hard drive when I install I will be fucking pissed and I will most likely bludgeon Steve Jobs with an old iMac and jam a few hockey puck mice up his nose.

[ August 28, 2003: Message edited by: Macman ]


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