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quote:Originally posted by Macman:
If that fucking erases my hard drive when I install I will be fucking pissed and I will most likely bludgeon Steve Jobs with an old iMac and jam a few hockey puck mice up his nose.
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If you're downloading and using betas you get what you deserve. That's why there betas.

yeah. 7b28 by default erases and installs clean. I think it's in the readme in the installer.

archive and install doesn't work in 7b28, either. I think it should be fixed now.

oh well. I'm not too bad off. all of the data that really mattered was backed up before I installed. there was just a bunch of shit I'd collected over the years that I would like to have had ::shrug:: no big loss

i've been running 44 for the past day now.  I would say that it is faster and more stable than Jag.  One annoying thing though is that a lot of apps, when u close them say they crashes.  But its ok cus they already closed. Just annoying.

if anyone wants to see the new sheet animation in OSX lookey here:
http://www.bgmccollum.com/panther/sheets.jpg and here:

the movie does not do it justice..... it is really awesome.  Although I wish I could hold shift to slow it down like I can with minimizing windows and expos

anyone wanna throw a link to panther bit torrent style?


quote:Originally posted by bossesjoe: too lazy to post much:
anyone wanna throw a link to panther bit torrent style?
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have fun... just search for 7b44.


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