Operating Systems > macOS


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further info...

I don't know what the optimum specs for it are, but what I have is not, repeat *NOT* designed to run on any Apple hardware.

I have Rhapsody DR2 for Intel. It boots and runs on PCs, or PC emulators.

Don't even try it in Bochs. While being one of the *best* emulators, Bochs is also one of the slowest. Rhapsody wants speed.

Another note: I only have a hard drive image of Rhapsody *installed*... no iso of the install disc. This image is made for Connectix Virtual PC on Mac and Windows. If you have it, you can use this file as your HD and run Rhapsody straight off it, as the OS sitting on the drive has the correct drivers for VPC already installed.

And finally, Calum...

What is Rhapsody? To boil it all down, Rhapsody was the very early betas of Mac OS X. Rhapsody has much, much more of NeXTStep left in it. It uses the older Display PostScript layer rather than Quartz, Rhapsody apps conform to Next's package format and typically won't run on Mac OS X, It looks like NeXtStep software running with a window manager based on Mac OS 9 with a Mac menubar. All menus can be torn off, a la NeXTStep.

Screenshots are available on http://toastytech.com in the GUI Gallery.


quote:Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * / Blob:
You'll find Mac Plus and LC-475 ROMs here.
--- End quote ---

Thanks... Your the best manual search engine i've ever used.  :D
 But i guess your into this stuff.

Ummm . . . (ahem) . . . still nothing in the PO Box except the usual junk mail . . .

It went out two weeks ago! Graahhhh.

I'll send again. Still got your address. Sit tight!

Webmaster, did you get the CD? It was sent around the 24th and *should* be there long by now. Let me know if you haven't


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