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quote:Originally posted by TheQuirk:
T1 as a home connection?

/me pets his DSL modem
--- End quote ---

Nah, I wish  :D

I'm in collage, and the single reason that keeps me paying extra for a dorm room is the choice T1 and student network. I graduate in a few months, and i don't know how I will face the world without Ultra-fast internet.

Fuck the diplomea, I want a T1!!!  :D

A friend of mine got Rhapsody/PPC... can't find a machine to run it on, though.

allright... well, I attempted to tar and gzip it... nothin' doin'... it's still 704MB!

::mutters at it::

I'd offer to let everybody FTP it, but Arkansuck State won't allow any type of serverish kinda type of style of thing (not even Q3 or Halflife) on their halfass excuse for a network.

11Gb? I can't get over 60KB/s with a Gb card and an expensive ass CAT6 cable... where's the speed?!?

if anybody has any idea how to squish it further... please let me know!

Jimmy, e-mail me ([email protected]) and we'll set up a transfer . . . then I'll put it somewhere for folks to download.  

OMG, i have been looking for rhapsody/x86 FOR EVER!  Wow, i have no life.


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