Operating Systems > macOS
A real topic...RealBasic 4 HELP ME!!!
I'm trying to port an app that my friend made in VisualBasic on winblows, so I'm using RealBasic 4...but I wasn't able to import the vb forms so I had to start from scratch. I'm having trouble with Rb4's new DataControl feature...WHY CAN'T I PRESS THE BUTTONS??? If anyone has any idea what's wrong, will you PLEASE reply? I've been having trouble with this for a long time now and looking for support all over the net. Thanks everyone for your time!
Why not port it to C/C++? It would have to be a complete rewrite but you certainly will eliminate any portability problem for the future. Kdevelop and QT are a great combo and gives you a similar environment to VC.
I don't know a line of C++ or I'd do it...umm, anyone else know a solution?
check out this site:
they can direct you to RelBasic developmont sites as well as offer some information and the like.
Also, I would start learning C/C++. It's not that tough and for game programming it's top notch. There are tons of free SDK's and API's for creating 2d and 3d animation. Just check the link above also the link bellow, is to my graphics library of choice:
[ February 24, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
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