Operating Systems > macOS
Many Questions here, Please answer!!!!
Apple works 6 should have everything one would need to compose anything document related. Text edit is good for taking notes.
Appleworks is all you need. It can open and save Word/Excel files too.
They both come with new Macs. Textedit is extremely basic. Appleworks is a full office suite.
Keynote rocks. I just bought it a few weeks ago.
I have a 10 GB iPod. It is the greatest thing since buttered bread (slicing bread is too useless to compare ) It can store all of my music, and I use it in data mode to store my ripped DVDs (unfortunately I cheaped out when I bought my iBook, and didn't go for the Combo version)
Mac OS X is bundled with alot of things your looking for.. (except Keynote i think.)
A good Office Suite is Appleworks. Its user friendly and very very capable, If your used to MS Office, then you'll love AppleWorks.
10.3 will be bundled with Safari, But for now 10.2 is bundled with MSIE 5 defaulty. Dont worry, just download safari and uninstall MSIE, its easy.
quote:Originally posted by ax0r- the Mac OS tr00p:
Dont worry, just download safari and uninstall MSIE, its easy.
--- End quote ---
Uninstall is the incorrect term, more like trash. As in dropping it in the trash can, don't worry, no registry entries to fuck around with.
Keynote is great, I love it.
I personally think Appleworks doesn't compare to Office X, but when iWorks or whatever its called comes out, Office X is gone.
Don't got an iPod (yet) will get one on next update.
Yeah, thats what i meant.. Trash. =)
Im a recent convert from PC, so excuse my stupidity =D
and trust me, a Macs all worth it.
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