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Question about Macs:

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What would you recommend for someone who plans on making alot of graphics and playing alot of games, the new iMac or the G4 Tower?

Also, would it also be wise to choose OS X as my server or Linux (nah) or NetBSD (yes, I know X was fashioned after BSD yadda yadda yadda but they are two different operating systems.

Hey Tank.

I needed the exact same thing and I had the cash at the time (i.e. Excess student loan money that's gonna kill me when Im outta school, but WTF you only live once). Anyway, I got a Dual 800Mhz G4 and haven't looked back.

The thing runs everything I throw at it at blinding speeds, and even the most graphic entense games don't make a stutter on the system.

It's funny, I buy Red Faction, Quake III, Alice, etc. and in the options I don't even think about it, I just hit the maximum for everything quite confident it will run without a hitch. And guess what? It does!! Woooo...

Cooler than that is emulation on this thing. I love Runing CPS mame on it, (I'm a fan of the marvel vs. and capcom vs. games) and they run like they are hot off the arcades.

Adding to the overal speed and the like is OS X of course. Lot's of games benifit from it's excelent design which supports dual Processors BTW.

Photoshop, and other related graphic apps run incredibly well. I have been working on 18x24" CMYK 300dpi Images in photoshop and I haven't even experienced scroll lag.

I do photorealistic Illustrator stuff and nothing slowes down EVER. So heck if you want top of the line that's not gonna be obsolete in 3 years (or at least not expandable to account for new tech, which BTW this machine is very expandable) this is the way to go.

On the other hand, the new iMac's are WAY WAY attractive and are an all in one packadge. Those things are at least as powerfull as mine for most taskas and they will run all current games for sure.

Give it alot of RAM and photoshop should fly. When I was shopping for a comp I worked out that I could get a high end iMac and an iBook for the same price as the system I did get. So that might be something to think about, heck I muled that one over for a bit.

Anyway, today you got it even better cuz you could get the dual 1ghz and the dual 900's for about the same price I got mine.

I paid about 3,200 total with a student discount.

Finaly, one thing to keep in mind: RAM! los's of ram is key, especially in graphics apps. So make sure to "fill her up". If your buying from apple get the lowest ram they offer cuz you can get it way cheap from outpost.

I baught two 512 DIMMs of corsair memory with a lifetime guarontee for around 65 bucks each. Apple would have run me a few hundred, total I got 1.2 GB.

Another thing that will keep the price down is getting a cheep screen. I got a Mitsubishi DimondPro 17" with the student discount and it has served me darn well. Heck IMHO the flat screens aren''t worth getting les you get the 22" cinema or something cuz to me 15 and 17 f;at screens just look wierd. Too small to be cool (save for the new iMac.

Anyway Got to brag about my  system so Im  happy  

I seriously hope this helped...

Good luck!

G4 towers with shitloads of RAM and a cheap monitor will be excellent for gaming.

About serving.. I think your best chance would be with OS X Server.. but I have no idea what those things are like (Apple.com uses them - seems to be fast), or how easy it is to set up.

Thanks dudes, it was a real help. I think I'll be buying an iMac or a G4, they sound really really good. I just don't see how these machines don't smash Windows and/or Microsoft out of the ground. Mac OS X kicks XPs ass in performance, looks, and everything else.


quote:Originally posted by Tank:
Thanks dudes, it was a real help. I think I'll be buying an iMac or a G4, they sound really really good. I just don't see how these machines don't smash Windows and/or Microsoft out of the ground. Mac OS X kicks XPs ass in performance, looks, and everything else.
--- End quote ---

It's all marketing. At least Apple is starting to parade the advantages of the Mac platform with their Easier campaign (check the hyperlink I just gave out).


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