Operating Systems > macOS
Question about Macs:
I do think it would be cool if Apple opened up their systems and let you make your own, but keeping it closed is what makes the Mac superior. The fastest way I can try to explain this is "You make it work with everything, you make it work with nothing." that is what has happened to Windows, that is why it sucks. Besides that fact that Windows is and always has been crapass copies of the Mac OS, trying to make it support every piece of Hardware imaginable is what kills it.
Anyone agree, or should I get my head out of my ass?
quote:Originally posted by Billy Gates:
I do think it would be cool if Apple opened up their systems and let you make your own, but keeping it closed is what makes the Mac superior. The fastest way I can try to explain this is "You make it work with everything, you make it work with nothing." that is what has happened to Windows, that is why it sucks. Besides that fact that Windows is and always has been crapass copies of the Mac OS, trying to make it support every piece of Hardware imaginable is what kills it.
Anyone agree, or should I get my head out of my ass?
--- End quote ---
I totaly agree. Personaly, I don't see the trouble in not building one from scratch. I belive people see this as extra expence but the fact is you are paying for high-quality components. And it's not like you cant replace or upgrade hardware.
But I wouldent say the closed system is the Mac's only strength. It has a hell of alot going for it other than that.
On the issue of OS X's interface, I think it sucks. In fact, I think it sucks smelly hairy gorilla ass. However, do I think that is a fair way to sum up the operating system that powers the interface? Hell no.
Apple's problem is in thinking they can sell a development platform marketed as a deployment platform and not make people mad. It's stupid, really. Just because M$ has gotten away with an unpolished, buggy interface for years doesn't mean I should have to put up with the same thing on a Macintosh and not even have the option of using a custom window manager.
On the issue of OS X's interface, I think it sucks. In fact, I think it sucks smelly hairy gorilla ass. However, do I think that is a fair way to sum up the operating system that powers the interface? Hell no.
Apple's problem is in thinking they can sell a development platform marketed as a deployment platform and not make people mad. It's stupid, really. Just because M$ has gotten away with an unpolished, buggy interface for years doesn't mean I should have to put up with the same thing on a Macintosh and not even have the option of using a custom window manager.
((Oh, and I highly recommend the new iMac. I might have been happier waiting for the first revision instead of the bleeding edge model, but it's still a very powerful computer in a nice package.))
[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: gump420 ]
WOW! Apple never had any fantasys about OS X. Infact on it's first launch, hardly any fanfair was made because they new it was not quite stable enugh for the public. They did it so it could be wider spread for people to develop on. That's why it's Open sourced and OS9 is still supported. Look out for OS 10.2, alot of the old functionality is coming back.
As for the interface, I didn't like it at first, felt much the same way as you. I was like, why the hell fix what wasn't broke back in the earlyer OS's, But I tell you, after using it almost exclusively for several months now, I can never go back. The true Brilliance of it really starts to shine once you get used to it. Just give it a bit of a chance and you will see what I mean.
An interesting note, they have an article comparing the progress of OS X to the progress of the earlyer Mac OS. You can see that the same sort of burps and bumps were present back until OS 6.
The similarty lies in the fact that just as Apple was revolutionizing the way people use computers back then, so the same is occuring today.
[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
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