Operating Systems > macOS
Question about Macs:
My old HS just got some of the G4 Towers. From what my younger brothers and sister tell me, they are complete pieces of junk.
The Mac OSX interface is possibly the worst company designed interface I have ever seen. (I've seen a few personal skins that people made for XP that were practically unusable.)
The PC, IMO, is much easier to use than a Mac. Its also faster and cheaper. IF Apple wants to compete competively with MS, Intel, AMD, and the rest, they need to open their platform up. Keeping it totally in house is really hindering its development.
I must totaly disagree with you. OSX is probably the most powerful and easy to use OS I have ever seen in my life. And the G4's they put in your HS are probably locked up with AtEase or Foolproof running OS 9 and are not taken very good care of. That is my experience anyway.
Right now Im running a dual 800 under OSX and it kicks every computer's ass I have ever used.
Don't even start arguing ease of use however, the fact is, the Mac's interface is probably one of the best thought out and well designed in the world. Are you even aware of the amount of research that whent in to designing it? Hell back in the days of OS 7.5 apple had a developer guide calld the User Interface Guidelines, that explained the logic and psychology behind every little thing in the system. M$ wishe's they had an origional bone in their body, cuz thanks to Apples little book they didn't need to design a thing. Infact the only reason you think XP is so easy to use is because they basically stole all the elements from the Mac.
Jeez... please explain to me WHAT on earth can be done easier thrugh XP or any god forsaken windoez OS that you can't do on OSX?
And, BTW there is more to an OS than just a crappy ass skin for god sakes!!!!!
Oh I forgot, your using XP, isn't that just a crappy ass skin for 2000
I honestly don't think you have used OSX, or a Mac for that matter, for any period of time, because I think you would be quite surprised.
As far as PC's go, they are great machines. Windoze is what sux ass in every way shape or form.
As far as Apple opening up their platform, I don't think that's going to happen any time soon. OSX may be ported to x86 systems in the future but Mac's won't be made by another manufacturer other than Apple.
But I don't see this as a hindrance to their development at all. Because both the software and hardware are developed in house, the integreation and efficiency achived by the two are fantastic.
You mention PC's being faster, and as has been argued back and fourth countless times, you can't argue Mhz across diffrent chip architectures. The G4's outperform most Intel and AMD chips when doing what they were ment to do, i.e. running high-end publishing and graphics applications.
Furthermore while Pentiums and AMD chips may have higher clock speeds, it's the amount of data that is processed per cycle that matters, not just the speed. G4's are tons more efficient than all these chips when it comes to this.
And as far as expense.. well, why drive a Honda when you can have a Rolls Royce :D
Anyway, If you like PC's thats great. Im not gonna flame or accuse you of talkin out your ass. But I urge you, do dump that load of crap calld XP and try some diffrent operating systems.
Just read some of the stuff M$ is doing!!! Do you really wan't an OS that is being produced by a monopolistic organization hell ben't on controlling your, and everyone elses computing experience?
I think you should broaden your digital horizons a bit more before you become just another Microserf.
Oh ya, and let's not forget these old things:
[ March 03, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
[ March 03, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
psyjax, the G4s at my old HS are running OSX, but they do run AtEase or Foolproof.
I did have the opportunity to toy with my an imac the other day at CompUSA. Note, i have a friend that works at CompUSA, so I got to play with it before any locks or blocks were installed. During the 15 minutes I messed with it, I managed to crash IE twice and get three numbered error messagesthat told me to restart the system.
For gaming the PC is the better choice. We actually get the games in a 'timely' manner, with the mac versions following a couple months to years behind.
I am not as intimitaly familiar with the G4 chip as I am with Intel's p4 and AMD's Athlon XP. But you are right when you say its the amount of work the processor can do that counts. That is also why the AthlonXP processor gets my vote.
I will never do much with macs unless I can build my own. I despise prebuilts with a passion. As long as Apple has a closed system, i will not buy their systems. Simple as that.
quote:Originally posted by Bateleur:
I will never do much with macs unless I can build my own. I despise prebuilts with a passion. As long as Apple has a closed system, i will not buy their systems. Simple as that.
--- End quote ---
Point well taken. But I have had all sorts of OS's behave funny in stores before, thats not an accurate messure of their performance or capability. Public machines are generaly mistreated, heck, I went to a comp USA and checkd out the PC's they had a laptop with a smashed in screen, and a copy of XP frozen stiff (don't know how), so that to me says little.
quote:Originally posted by Bateleur:
psyjax, the G4s at my old HS are running OSX, but they do run AtEase or Foolproof.
I did have the opportunity to toy with my an imac the other day at CompUSA. Note, i have a friend that works at CompUSA, so I got to play with it before any locks or blocks were installed. During the 15 minutes I messed with it, I managed to crash IE twice and get three numbered error messagesthat told me to restart the system.
For gaming the PC is the better choice. We actually get the games in a 'timely' manner, with the mac versions following a couple months to years behind.
I am not as intimitaly familiar with the G4 chip as I am with Intel's p4 and AMD's Athlon XP. But you are right when you say its the amount of work the processor can do that counts. That is also why the AthlonXP processor gets my vote.
I will never do much with macs unless I can build my own. I despise prebuilts with a passion. As long as Apple has a closed system, i will not buy their systems. Simple as that.
--- End quote ---
IE crashing is microsofts fault, obviously, since they made the browser. Though about the error telling you to restart... that sounds more like OS 9, ive never see an error like that in OS X...
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