Operating Systems > macOS

iTunes for Windows?

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Quote from article,

Jobs, however, isn't targeting just Mac users. He plans to roll out a Windows version of iTunes by the end of the year. (Apple already sells a Windows-compatible version of the iPod, which accounts for about half of all units sold.) It is a dramatic departure for Steve, who has deliberately kept the Mac's best features off the screens of the much larger Microsoft-dominated world.

[ April 30, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

If Apple does port iTunes to Windows isn't that like a kick to the balls of Apple loyalists?

I mean shit, the Mac community is more loyal to the Mac platform than Apple is. Thats funny considering that Apple is the company who makes the Macs. ;P

i had read somewhere that steve jobs had no intention of porting iTunes to windows. It was too important or something. i am going to go find that article.....

quote:  Looking for a Senior Software Engineer to desing and build Apple's newest Consumer Application, iTunes for Windows....
--- End quote ---

but, if they want music store to be successful, they will need it on every platform. lets just hope they are also porting itunes to linux.

hiring- iTunes for windows

If it's true, I hope iTunes overtakes whatever crappy-ass media player Windows users use.


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