Operating Systems > macOS

iTunes for Windows?

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quote:Look at the results from this poll
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The poll on the "neowin" pro MS website?
At fuckmicrosoft we dig the boot into Bill.
At pro MS sites like neowin they lick his arse.
What else but MS would win a poll on an MS forum?
Find an independent poll - that I'll believe.


quote:Originally posted by Faust:
Drugs.  They are bad bad things.

The Sony whatever the heck brand of CD burning and the ogg burning are they only interesting features I can see.  What is so good about high MAT?  More space/faster?  I can burn oggs in linux btw so unless this high MAT turns out to be really killer thing WMP still sucks.
Not to mention that you can have winamp open without losing 90% of your screen estate.
online music store - cough, P2P, cough, music CD better than downloads, cough, cough
the visualizations support - um, who would be sad enough to just sit there staring at swirling colors while listening to music?  oh and xmms can do those "things" too btw, not that you would want it too
easily and reliably burn CD's from the media player - not many OS's dont support cd burning these days.  CD burning isnt the defining glory that it used to be, get over it.  can it record DVDs?  I dont think so...
oh and speaker effects/wow enhancements suck.  This actually isnt anti WMP, all software based equalizers cant handle distortless audio modification.  what you want is a hardware amplifier, software amping is only useful for making el cheapo headphones get a louder (although horribly distorted) bass response, its the same in linux and windows, s/ware amping sucks.
oh and have you read the WMP9 EULA?  The one that says you give MS the right to upload "revocation lists" to your computer?   :D  
Oh and I know winamp is crap for videos, thats why i dont use it.  Also it wont run under linux but hey.  Oh and Xine isnt primitive boyo, you've never used it anyway so how would you know?
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Oh, but I can have WMP open and have my full viewing area available to me(the taskbar player is god ;P). Sonys' HighMAT is a Digital CD file system(standard Audio CD's are Analog). The problem is, there are not many HighMAT compatible CD players out yet.

I have my computer hooked up to my Bose 5.1 Surround Home Theater(I have it connected from the RCA out of my Audigy Drive). I'll just say, the TruBass and WoW Effects make a big difference in the Audio quality and the Bass Quality.

Audio on Winamp sounds ackkk on the Home Theater system when compared to WMP 9.

For the not many OSes don't support CD buring statement. That is true. But it is a pain in the ass to burn CD's in Linux...period. WMP maes it easy for even a grandma to burn an Audio CD, a Data CD, HighMAT CD(For Data CD's I prefer Nero myself...but it isn't as easy for a grandma as WMP).

Actually, WMP 9 CAN burn DVD's. It won't give you the option to copy to a DVD unless it detects a DVD-RAM/DVD-RW drive though.

AS an Audiophile I will just say that music sounds like shit on every Linux media player I have tried on my Home Theater. I'll take WMP and all of it's audio enhancements over the open source, featureless crap anyday.


quote:A person saves time and hassle if he/she can do everything they want to do with one media player with out of the box capabilities to do it all.
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Why stop there? Why not include a flight simulator as well just in case you fancy a game of that (as with Excel 97)?

Just because you want to do all of those things at some point, it doesn't mean that it's sensible to have them in one application and loaded into memory at the same time. For example, I always have XMMS open but only infrequently watch videos, for which I can open MPlayer and then close it when I'm done. I don't want mplayer, and xmms, and xmms' visualisations, and cdrecord, and xcdroast all in memory all the time as I'm usually not using their functionality.

I like xmms, it plays my cd's/mp3's ogg's etcetera. Personally that is all I want and need.
Occasionally I expand it's capabilities with a plugin of a few hundred K's.
At the end of the day all I want to do is play my damn music, I think alot of people are like that. All these bells and whistles end up unused and people just like to know they have them and tell their buddies about them.
I also like seperate programs, I like the small and functional approach. Keeps everything clean, lowers system overhead and allows greater scope for changing bits and bobs.
Anyway that's my personal stance, just wanted to chip it in to show zombie that people want different things. There is nothing wrong with that and it's the reason that there are so many computer programs.

You call yourself an audiophile and you use a dodgy bose "out of the box" speaker setup hooked up to (ack! computer based amps! eew!)  bose make good speakers but out of the box man, wrong!  Oh and the comp amps do make a big difference in bass quality and audio quality - they make it worse.  The "better" sound you're hearing is distort.  What you want is some $200+ headphones with a horizontal frequency response graph from 20 to 20k hertz, then you have decent sound!  That said at least an audigy is better than the crap onboards i assumed you were using.  BTW creative make free software drivers for all their sound products and you're using them.  Does that make you feel dirty?   :D  

>The problem is, there are not many HighMAT
>compatible CD players out yet.
So they're useless like I thought?


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