Operating Systems > macOS

iTunes for Windows?

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quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Well, lets see. Who made accusations about financial stuff first? None other than the dude who said that I use cheap onboard sound.   :rolleyes:    Now back into the real world, I personally don't care how nice and fast or how slow and trashy your computers are. Speed isn't everything. A computer is tool and as long as you can get what you need to do done with your system the computer has served it's sole purpouse. A computer isn't like a status symbol. ;P

To X11,

You are nothing more than a immature, gay, 12 year old troll. Even alot of your fellow MES peers say that you are so I'm not even going to be bothered by you. Be gone troll.      

[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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oh, you're right. you werent the first.

youre right, a computer is a tool. and i can get more done on a mac than a pc. so the mac is a better tool for me. end of story.

On an unrelated note. Glad to have you back Zombie448787

Things have been slow around here. We needed some good flame bait  :D

Seriously, you allways get peoples tempers riald which improves the quality of the threads IMHO. Keep up the good work!


quote:That said at least an audigy is better than the crap onboards i assumed you were using
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Note assumed as in past tense?  Assumed meaning "used to, but have now changed opinion?"

It's a nice computer - but it could be better!

A :-- only one processor?  A dual (or quad) processor would own the arse out of hyperthreading anyday.  And what OS takes advantage of Symetric Multi Processing more effeciently?

B:Bah, geforce.  If you have the drivers get a radeon for petes sake, it's better than a GF4 and it doesn't sound like a vacuum cleaner.

C:Whats the rpm on that HDD?

D:SCSI. RAID. RAID arrays in Linux are the way to go.  I'll bet my RAID array beats your serial ATA hands down.   :D  

Yeah it does kick the crap out of my computer all up.  But jesus why waste however much you spent on something that's really just a big fancy box?  There are better things to buy!  Once you reach a certain level you can run 95% of the games out there, and really that's all the perfomance is used for in a desktop so why the fuck bother tripling the price to get faster when for me my computers already fast enough?  I would rather buy a book, cd or go to a movie man, you're wasting cash here.  I mean-
>>>A computer isn't like a status symbol.

>>>i bet my memory alone cost more than your entire setup
What is it with you people?!?!?  This isnt something to be proud of! Stop wasting your money!

quote:A computer is tool and as long as you can get what you need to do done with your system the computer has served it's sole purpouse.
--- End quote ---

Finally! Some sense!

The above said, WMP9 still sucks.  Read that EULA yet?  The interface still sucks, it does lots of crap that really isn't that interesting and every media player out there kicks its arse.  (well most... definitely not including real one player which i *despise*.)

I _still_ believe that there is no computer program out there that can match the audio quality of a hardware amplifier.  This is why people buy hardware amps...

>>If Apple does port iTunes to Windows isn't
>>that like a kick to the balls of Apple
>Oh, I'm sure Microsoft would make mTunes for
>the Mac if it existed(just like they do WMP,
>IE, Office, etc.).
SO you're sure MS would port their software to mac which in your own words is analogous to a "kick in the balls for Windows loyalists?"   ;)  

quote:re:xine-you've never used it anyway so how would you know?
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care to answer?      

I'm not cheap, and neither are you.  We just feel like spending money on different things.

PS:I didn't intend to call you cheap, but i apologize if you felt that way zombie.  You're posts are appreciated a lot.

[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]

mplayer for video (it even plays quicktime)
xmms for audio

what else do you need?

mplayer has the superior interface: a window with the video in it, with no buttons, and everything is controlled by keyboard (i.e., spacebar to pause)

radeon == the suck (the linux drivers are crapola)

What surprises me most, is the length of your replies to Zombie. I mean, you guys must really have a lot of free time in your hands to just reply to him. What can I say?


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