Operating Systems > macOS
iTunes for Windows?
quote:Originally posted by Panos:
What surprises me most, is the length of your replies to Zombie. I mean, you guys must really have a lot of free time in your hands to just reply to him. What can I say?
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I havn't seen him say anything retared in months.
(apart from his advocacy of WMP9)
Maybe he's got tired of being a clown - something which some others around here (not you panos) should perhaps consider.
Back to something (a little) on-topic, what the hell do you use all that PC muscle for zombie?
I am always working(the job is like a home away from home)...but I do get some occasional free time. I figure that I have the right to act like a kid(play video games) to escape from the harsh, serious real world sometimes. The several hundreds of dollars that I drop into this thing for upgrades is a small price to pay to enjoy my gaming. I do not enjoy a game if I feel it is running sluggish, so naturally I try to avoid sluggishness. ;P
To the guy who said something about get a Radeon instead of a GeForce FX.....Nahhh, I had bad experiences with the Radeon 9700 Pro(shitty, unstable and unreliable drivers) I purchased a few months ago. I had issues with the Radeon 8500 a long time ago too. So no more ATI for me. What is the point of having a faster card if it doesn't run games long enough for you to enjoy the speed?
I used the money from the returned card and bought a GF4 Ti4200 to hold me off until the FX came out. The FX was delayed for so long that I finally decided to buy a Ti4800. The FX 5800 is out now but it supposedly loud so I didn't rush out to buy one(besides, the Ti4800 already plays my games just fine), however Nvidia is redesigning the FX(and the new revision will be called NV35). If the NV35 doesn't have the noise issue I will buy one, if not I'll stick to the Ti4800.
If you think I'm pulling NV35 rumours out of my ass.
NV35: Goodbye to the Dustbuster
[ May 03, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
Oh yes, I agree that the Tk56-700-f and UV147-PPR are completely sluggish and that the 78-k4596 is the ultimate video card on the market. However, I do disagree with your that the 678SE-2000 and the mega-98-TTT Deluxe Asseon is very good for gaming because its graphics chip was built especially to load googa-plexy megaflorps. Yeah, I'm pretty happy just using a standard 86 gazillion with my 42-50 Excelleon 3.
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
To X11,
You are nothing more than a immature, gay, 12 year old troll. Even alot of your fellow MES peers say that you are so I'm not even going to be bothered by you. Be gone troll.
[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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Zombie at his new web design job...
quote:Originally posted by X11:
Zombie at his new web design job...
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Riiiight! :rolleyes:
As I already said. I'm not even going to be bothered by you and I am not going to start a pointless flame war because of you. ;)
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