Operating Systems > macOS

iTunes for Windows?

<< < (10/10)

My god, now zombie is being nice, I must have woke up in a mirrored parralel universe this morning.

Everythings fucking backwards.

I have an idea for you X11. How about you stay the fuck out of the mac section.

iCan take a joke
unlike macman.


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Played Raven Shield?  New, kicks arse.   :D
Windows only.   :(
^ This probably isn't a problem for you so you should get it, it's hella cool.

quote:I had bad experiences with the Radeon 9700 Pro
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Man that sucks, now I have to either listen to the vacuum or play Doom 3 at like 640*480 res.  :rolleyes:  

quote:Oh yes, I agree that the Tk56-700-f and UV147-PPR are completely sluggish and that the 78-k4596 is the ultimate video card on the market. However, I do disagree with your that the 678SE-2000 and the mega-98-TTT Deluxe Asseon is very good for gaming because its graphics chip was built especially to load googa-plexy megaflorps. Yeah, I'm pretty happy just using a standard 86 gazillion with my 42-50 Excelleon 3.
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Um no offense but it's not like you don't harp on overly about Macs...  What is wrong with comparing video cards?  I want to know which one will get me the best future gameplay time ok?

quote:Everythings fucking backwards.
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No it's not, you're still the same.  (As cool, 1337 and k-rad as you usually are that is.)

quote:iCan take a joke
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COUGH!  COUGH!  Dear God does anyone know the heimlich manouver?  COUGH...  urgh I'm dead now.
BTW X11 that was joke so you can take it.   ;)


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