Operating Systems > macOS

iTunes for Windows?

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They are going to charge the Windows users (they damn well better)...and I hope they charge the fuck out of them...

And Windows users are too cheap to buy windows half the time, let alone iTunes...or legally download music.

It looks like Apple *IS* going to port iTunes to Windows(confirmed by a reliable source).


Sorry Linux users, it looks like you guys aren't getting a port of this. That isn't surprising...considering that Linux doesn't have any real mainstream apps from big mainstream software companies because of the lack of interest and the nonexistance of profits to be had in the open source world...ya know ;P. Besides, most Linux people are too cheap to pay for an OS or software so what would make them be willing to pay for music from an online service with closed source, propriarity software that will probably have to be bought too?

[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

All this shows is that Apple is mature enough to not try and hoard the goodies.  If Microsoft had made "mTunes" or whatever there would be no version on other platforms because Microsoft is the company that uses their patents on products to try and cripple the competition.  Well done Jobs for not sinking to Gates' level!


quote:Originally posted by Faust:
All this shows is that Apple is mature enough to not try and hoard the goodies.  If Microsoft had made "mTunes" or whatever there would be no version on other platforms because Microsoft is the company that uses their patents on products to try and cripple the competition.  Well done Jobs for not sinking to Gates' level!
--- End quote ---

Oh, I'm sure Microsoft would make mTunes for the Mac if it existed(just like they do WMP, IE, Office, etc.). Neither MS or Apple port thier stuff to Linux. I guess there is just a lack of interest and worthwhileness(profits) in the free market.

I think you mean there's a lack of stupidity in the "free market". Why would anyone smart enough to switch to GNU/Linux be stupid enough to install MS software?


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