Operating Systems > macOS
Mac OS X vs Longhorn
from: http://www.winsupersite.com/faq/longhorn.asp
quote: Q: But Mac OS X already has a lot of these features. What's the big deal?
A: Apple has implemented some basic desktop composition features in Mac OS X "Panther," due this fall, and they appear to be quite impressive. But the basic problem with Mac OS X isn't going away: It's a classic desktop operating system that doesn't offer anything in the way of usability advancements over previous desktop operating systems. Today, Windows XP and its task-based interface are far superior to anything in Mac OS X. In the future, Longhorn will further distance Windows from OS X. From a graphical standpoint, there won't be any comparison. Expect to be pleasantly surprised--dare I say "blown away"--when the Longhorn UI is revealed in October.
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but more specifically im looking at :
quote:It's a classic desktop operating system that doesn't offer anything in the way of usability advancements over previous desktop operating systems
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What the fuck is he talking about ? Usability advancements ? Thats a major problem with mac os ? Any troll here would argue that this is not Mac OS's major problem.
[ October 09, 2003: Message edited by: mushrooomprince ]
Task-based OS? Pschaw. I used both XP and Longhorn, and there's nowhere as good as OS X. Who needs tasks when one can just slide an icon over an app?
How can a person write an unbiased comparison when Longhorn isn't even anywhere near being gold? Longhorn isn't even Beta yet. It is still alpha as is Aero and everything else in it.
I'd call writing up a comparison involving an Alpha OS a bad display of character.
I was talking about both XP and Longhorn, not just Longhorn.
Mac OS X alpha (the Rhapsody version) was much better for its time than Longhorn is now. It was slow, like Longhorn, but that is not the point; the NeXTish interface was innovative even before being replaced by Aqua. I am talking about the direction where the OS is heading, and having tried both XP and Longhorn, I find the interface even worse than XP. It's not just the looks and the speed that is the problem, it's the way things are managed in Longhorn that I dislike.
It's becoming more and more like a 'bureaucratic' OS, where ease of use means restriction of choices, rather than making things fundamentally easier, like Mac OS does. Task interfaces tend to be less flexible and give a limited number of choices, whereas Mac OS concentrates on making it easier for the users to do the tasks or configure their system themselves, thus giving them more liberty.
Windows XP is no more usable than Mandrake Linux. My friend who knows nothing about linux, uses my pc to browse the web, play games like RTCW, downloads music, and burns CD's. Contrary to popular belief, he wasnt frustrated by how complicated Linux was, he mainly noticed that things were different than in Windows XP.
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