Operating Systems > macOS

Maybe it's old news...


...but if not, then you guys will love this:  http://www.business2.com/b2/web/dumbest/4/0,19294,,00.html  

Scroll down to 36 (although 33-35 are pretty funny too).

I've heard this story, but not this part:

quote:Part 1 The PC in the WC. On April 30, Microsoft U.K. issues a press release touting a new product called the iLoo, an Internet-enabled toilet equipped with a Wi-Fi broadband connection, a plasma flat screen, a waterproof keyboard, and sponsored toilet paper festooned with Web addresses. According to the release, the iLoo will "allow instant logging on."
--- End quote ---

the term "log on" is getting so tired. I wish they'd stop using it. I hate those people


quote:Originally posted by jimmyjames.sytes.net:
the term "log on" is getting so tired. I wish they'd stop using it. I hate those people
--- End quote ---

I agree, but in this case I think it was supposed to be humorous.

Heh... "log" on...


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