Operating Systems > macOS

g4 sawtooth upgrading

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Quick question, if I buy a Sawtooth g4 400mhz Mac, and later I decide I want to put like a dual 1ghz motherboard in it, can I do that? Or does the case only take old sawtooth motherboards?

In this particular situation: you are lucky as hell.
As long as you are sure this is a sawtooth G4 computer, you can put a processor up to 1.25 GHz on that board. Yup - you don't have to change the board.

A 800 MHz G4 would run you about $320 (PowerLogix)


The 800 MHz dualies go for about $740

Beware of the GigaDesign 800 MHz G4's. They have no L3 cache, and this SUCKS for performance.

Make sure you check dual processor compatability!:

[ February 26, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

how can I tell if its sawtooth, its a 400mhz g4 graphite colored mac... seems like one.

PS: What I really meant in my first post is:

Can I rip EVERYTHING except like the power suppply out of an old sawtooth mac, replace it all (new processor, motherboard, graphics card, memory, hd) and have it work? Is the only differance between the Sawtooth and Quicksilver CASES cosmetic? Or do they each have different chipsets or something.

this is the mac i'm considering:


[ February 26, 2003: Message edited by: MacBling ]

That looks like a Yikes G4. Notice the lack of an AGP slot (brown slot on top)? That board is barely upgradeable...  :eek:  
This is an AGP G4 (again, notice the first slot is a brown one with an gfx card in it):

I don't know much about the case itself, and compatability. You almost never need to replace the motherboard in a Mac.

so what does that mean... would have to buy a new computer?


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