Operating Systems > macOS

g4 sawtooth upgrading

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what, does the processor GO in the AGP slot or something? I know nothing about mac hardware

so everything in this:
wouldn't fit in this:

[ February 26, 2003: Message edited by: MacBling ]

The processor GOES in the processor socket. The non-AGP boards won't take processors above 500 MHz due to certain limitations. The easiest way to tell the computers apart is by the AGP slot.

Between the CPU heatsink placement and the chip on the back of the mobo I told you, I doubt the case would close (If you've ever seen the inside of the Quicksilvers, you'd notice the the processor socket moved from the place it was on the earlier models). But I'm not totally sure, and I have no viable way of knowing...

the PCI Yikes G4s are really just blue G3s with a G4 on the board and a different color case.

The Sawtooth G4s are a new board design, and therefore support the faster processors. If you know about peecee hardware, it'd be like trying to put a P3 on a P2 chipset. There's simply things there that aren't compatible.

As for getting all the parts for a dual 1.25... why don't you just get a used dual G4? It'd be cheaper. Get it right out instead of buying a G4 and replacing everything. You can also just get a midrange used G4 (like a 533 or something) and then upgrade it later.


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