Operating Systems > macOS

Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice

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quote:Originally posted by psyjax:

Some OS's can manage the CPU and RAM usage efficiently so that media files wont even crawl on an old machine. I can load up 3 or 4 .mpg's on my old iMac with minnimal speed hit.
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Ehh, that wasn't no old machine buddy. That pic was taken on an Athlon XP 1600+ w/256MB of PC2100 DDR-Ram. The problem is, Apple doesn't know how to adopt hardware acceleration. Direct Draw 2D hardware acceleration for video playback (which WMP uses)makes a big difference in performance compared to software rendering(which Quicktime uses).
I don't know what Apples' problem is, but they just seem to be clueless on how to program thier stuff to use DirectX.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:

I know Microsoft developed Internet Explorer out of Mosaic, but they've modified it so heavily it is now mostly Microsoft code.
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A quote from "Return of the Jedi" comes to mind when I read this. "He


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Ehh, that wasn't no old machine buddy. That pic was taken on an Athlon XP 1600+ w/256MB of PC2100 DDR-Ram. The problem is, Apple doesn't know how to adopt hardware acceleration. Direct Draw 2D hardware acceleration for video playback (which WMP uses)makes a big difference in performance compared to software rendering(which Quicktime uses).
I don't know what Apples' problem is, but they just seem to be clueless on how to program thier stuff to use DirectX.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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I think I phrased that wrong. I was saying that Quicktime under OSX I can open 3 or 4 mpegs on my 233 iMac with a minnimal speed hit. when looking at the terminal QT takes up areound 20% or so of resources.


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Oh boohoo, Microsoft bundles software with thier OS. It is thier OS so I think they should have the right to bundle whatever they want with it. It isn't like the bundled MS software cripples third party apps, so why piss and moan about it?
Besides..if you know what you are doing you can easily remove any bundled compenent from Windows(Like IE, Windows Messenger, WMP, etc.) without the need of any third party removers. Doesn't Apple bundle Finder with thier OS? Don't they bundle iTunes too?


[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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ya ya... but to uninstall iTunes or WMP all you do is delete the program. iTunes has a couple of folders in your user directory but thats about it for "hidden/embeded" files. Windows tends to give deep roots to whatever it bundles with their system.

As for the Finder, that basicaly is the OS. That's the window navigator and file browser. That's basically something akin to the program manager back in Win31 (of cource infinitly better).


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
As for the Finder, that basicaly is the OS. That's the window navigator and file browser. That's basically something akin to the program manager back in Win31 (of cource infinitly better).
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Just like IE functions as Windows Explorer(and makes Windows Explorer alot better). Personally I don't give a damn what Apple bundles with thier OS(I don't know why you guys worry about Microsofts' app bundling so much since you aren't using Windows)..because it is thier OS and they have the right to bundle whatever they want to bundle with it. The same applies for Windows...but you over zealous MS haters can't seem to understand that Windows is Microsofts' OS(it doesn't belong to no 3rd party) and Microsoft should have the right to put whatever they want to put into THIER software without a big fuss. The 3rd party software makers didn't make Windows, so why should thier apps be bundled with Windows? Microsoft on the other hand *did* make Windows, therefore Microsoft has the right to bundle whatever Microsoft app they want to bundle with thier Microsoft OS. Heck, even Linux has a bunch of crap that comes with it(the apps that are bundled with Linux easily surpasses the space required for MS's few small apps).

To make a long story short, you guys think that it isn't wrong to bundle apps with an OS unless Microsoft is the company doing it. Quit being so hypocritical and go bitch about Apple bundling stuff with thier OS and while your at it..go bitch  about Apple selling Macs with MacOS pre-installed. You never see Macs sold with Linux(or any other alternative OS) pre-installed do you?

[ May 25, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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