Operating Systems > macOS
Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
There is nothing wrong with bundling software with an OS. What is wrong is making it seem as though that OS needs that software when it doesn't, and making it impossible(or nearly) to uninstall.
Without Finder MacOS would be unusable(except OSX).
But without IE windows works very well. I removed IE from my computer and guess what? I didn't lose much functionality at all. And my system is more stable(unless I run one program I hppen to use alot).
Even MS themselves say that IE is not needed for Windows to work well(internal emails provided as evidence in the anti-trust suit). Even today Explorer does all the work, it gets it's extras(the ones that MS says IE provides) from 2 dll files that IE places in your system directory, as long as they are still there your system will be relatively the same. I know this because I removed IE but left those dll's.
And I don't mind MS bundling Windows Media Player, or MSN messanger, but I'd like to uninstall them(easily, without editing files, they should be removeable like any other program). They arent needed by the OS.
On a mac I can uninstall Quicktime or AOLIM(easily), so why not WMP and MSNIM on Windows?
[ May 25, 2002: Message edited by: Heru ]
Gooseberry Clock:
quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
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I clicked that and a Flash advert for Windows and Office XP appeared smack in the middle of my screen. Do Apple even have Flash?
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
I don't know what Apples' problem is, but they just seem to be clueless on how to program thier stuff to use DirectX.
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So are id Software (Quake).
quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
Quicktime under OSX I can open 3 or 4 mpegs on my 233 iMac with a minnimal speed hit. when looking at the terminal QT takes up areound 20% or so of resources.
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I think Apple know how to program for their own platform, just like Microsoft know how to program for theirs.
quote:Originally posted by Heru:
Without Finder MacOS would be unusable(except OSX).
But without IE windows works very well.
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Bad comparison.
quote:On a mac I can uninstall AOLIM(easily)
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I clicked that and a Flash advert for Windows and Office XP appeared smack in the middle of my screen. Do Apple even have Flash?
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My god your dumb.... Macromedia's site autodetects you and diverts you... Even Linux has flash you fuck.. And apple made the word "Multimedia" you dumb fuck. Microsoft just steal...
So are id Software (Quake).
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Yes real games use OpenGL... but poor people like Goosebury clock have non OpenGL optimized 2mb Trident cards that give him 5fps in 400x300 in cs/hl. Real games with graphics as good as Quake 3 use OpenGL. Fuck off back to runescape you fagget!
I think Apple know how to program for their own platform, just like Microsoft know how to program for theirs.
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So then whats with your gay little site
you little shit 12 year old. (maybe 10)
I fucked your forums for you too....
HAPPY BSOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Windows 98 using peice of shit you are.
I will raise the core voltage on this clock-cunts ass and overClock him!
quote:About us page:[QB]
I also noticed fuckApple.com wasn't taken yet, and not wanting to see that domain get snatched up by a cluebag 12-year-old whose idea of professional graphics software is Microsoft Word Art
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Goosenbury.... the webmaster talks about you here
I will tell the master to put an image linking to
file:C:\CON\CON on that page.
Also nice ms word art on your page and nice popups you poor us fuck. Get a job ya bumassfuck!!!
Also cuntenbury clock shows his knoledge of html in this line of his shitty HTML code:
--- Code: ---
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[ May 25, 2002: Message edited by: X11 ]
quote:X11: Also nice ms word art on your page and nice popups you poor us fuck. Get a job ya bumassfuck!!!
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I think fuckApple.cjb.net was created with paint...
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