Operating Systems > macOS

Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice

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[Deleted due to stupidity, basicaly reapeating XP users tag. funny haha... *groan*, honestly, Borg are sooo uncreative]

[ May 25, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

Gooseberry Clock:

quote:My god your dumb.... Macromedia's site autodetects you and diverts you... Even Linux has flash you fuck.. And apple made the word "Multimedia" you dumb fuck. Microsoft just steal...
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What I meant was I've never seen a single thing made in Flash from Apple. Oh yeah, I forgot: they use NotSoQuickTime.
quote:Yes real games use OpenGL... but poor people like Goosebury clock have non OpenGL optimized 2mb Trident cards that give him 5fps in 400x300 in cs/hl. Real games with graphics as good as Quake 3 use OpenGL. Fuck off back to runescape you fagget!
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ePSXe runs faster using Direct3D than OpenGL on my GeForce 2. Only people with gay cards like 3DFUX and Voodon't need OpenGL.

And read my other reply as well.
quote:Also nice ms word art on your page
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The logo is made in Flash, dumbass.
quote:Also cuntenbury clock shows his knoledge of html in this line of his shitty HTML code:
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I'm happy with my choice of HTML editor. And if I'm not, I can always do it manually.

Hey Gooseberry,

Yes, there is Flash for Mac. And belive it or not QuickTime plays flash movies. Macromedia is a strong supporter of Mac software and has versions of everything they make for Mac (altho adobe kicks their ass IMHO). I see lot's of Flash made on Mac, even on Newgrounds. My bro makes websites using Flash of an old iMac.

Yes it exists, alive and well in the Mac world.

As far as DirectX and OpenGL, I think this is an interesting topic. There are upsides and downsides to both of these. A major upside to OpenGL is that it is open source and portable (is DirectX open source?, I dont think it is). You can get anything to run on OpenGL.

Another thing is that the folks over at id love Linux and open source. VoidMan had that great Carmack quote about porting DooM to Linux he said "I ported it cuz linux gave me a hardon".  :D

Why do you say IE and WMP are shit?  Is it because they are shit? IE is currently the best web browser in the world, it crashes all the time but I am one of those people who thinks that Netscape is the only other browser in existence. Microsoft worked hard and stole their code from under their noses, you have to admire ingenuity like that.  And WMP, while not functional, plays video if you are very lucky.  I personally use WinAmp for audio, because I think AOL are Gods as well as Microsoft.  Quicktime on Windows sucks donkey balls and consumes much RAM; so does RealPlayer which is huge spyware and all that other drivel that I cut and pasted from some website because I have no opinions of my own.  Microsoft is where it is because I believe they make the highest quality software. If I didn't believe that, they would be somewhere else completely. It has taken them a while to find their ass with both hands and a map but Windows XP is actually an OS and only a sentient being would complain about anything in it (unless they wanted a visit from the Redmons boys at 2 AM that is).  If there were something better, people would be brainwashed into thinking Windows had better customer support, and Microsoft would be trying their damnedest to make sure that the better OS got ground under their heel.  The Mac OS may arguably be better but the Mac hardware is as well but the price tag is too difficult for an idiot like me to read in the shop since the staff come over and ask me hard questions if I stare for longer than ten minutes or so!  And now Microsoft will soon release a service pack to Windows XP that will let you easily install and uninstall all of Microsoft's bundled software. I also heard that pigs have been reported to have released a structured timetable of all their flights around the globe.


It is beyond me why anyone would want to think for themselves, since IE kicks Netscape's ass, and that open-source abomination Mozilla that is buggy as hell and takes 30 seconds to load. (Sorry that sentence was one verb short but I'm a bit hard of thinking)  However, not everyone wants MSN messenger or WMP installed, I guess they are all lusers and hackers who deserve to die.  So no more whining from anyone about MS forcing people to use their products, or I will know that you are a liar liar pants on fire; they never have anyway and now they are even letting competitors put their stuff in Microsoft's own OS! They are such lovely guys that I think I'll go and give Steve Ballmer a blow job in a corridor! I'd like to see Apple even let you buy a Mac that doesn't come with their OS or god forbid buy one from a 3rd party source because that sort of thing just turns me on. It's not as if the MacOS is actually free, or if it's even possible to run BeOS or Linux on the Mac after all! Windows rocks for that reason!

#1 Mozilla wipes the floor with IE on OS X.


XP loser, your on a roll!!!! HAHAHAAHHAHA!


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