Operating Systems > macOS
Where Apple Doesn't Always Play Nice
Open Source hasn't innovated anything XP user?
Dearie me young man (I assume you're young as such ignorance is common in the under 10s) where do you think UNIX came from. It was originally written to run ARPANET and the source of early projects was generally circulated freely. Sendmail is a good example being the original e-mail forwarding package for networks.
Check here for a list of Microsoft "innovations"
and here
and any of the other sites dedicated to spreading the lie.
Even "smart tags" in XP were nicked from the MAC which had an identical system in 1998.
Anyway, come on XP boy give us your M$ employee number.
Gooseberry Clock:
That site is no more up-to-date than Mac Killers.
quote:Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software *:
That site is no more up-to-date than Mac Killers.
--- End quote ---
Yes, except that the info on MacKiller can and has gone out of date while the stuff on teh other remains true today.
Name one, true, new inovation windows has had? Comeon folks, no shitslinging, just some good factual nominations of actual USEFULL fetures added to any new windows release, or even previous releases. Im actually interested in hearing this.
Damn, this is so gay:
as if it makes a difference! i delete those upon any new install of windows by hand! (actually i don't install lookout or MSNmessmaker in the first place)
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