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what exactly is darwin


from some apple site

darwin is basicaly freebsd 4.3 kernel wraped around the mach mircokernel

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last time i checked. someone like the webmaster who would now, correct me if im barfing up false shit ok.


quote:Originally posted by choasforages:

last time i checked. someone like the webmaster who would now, correct me if im barfing up false shit ok.
--- End quote ---

Darwin is essentially what MacOSX would be if you deleted the window server.  In fact, if you log in to an OSX box as >console, you are running in Darwin.  
Also note, when you start terminal.app in the GUI (or login remotely) it says "Welcome to Darwin!"

So yeah, it's just the unixy non-gui portion of OSX.  And it has been ported to the X86 platform by Apple.

choasforages, you make it sound like its just the kernel. It's really more like a distribution.
Mach : Darwin :: Linux : Debian

[ June 18, 2002: Message edited by: Trumpet Winsock ]


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