Operating Systems > macOS
Serious PB Modding
I am trying to install 2 hard drives in a PowerBook G3 Series PDQ/Wallstreet2 (not in the bay or PCMCIA slot, either).
They physically fit, but I need to get another connection in there...
The absolute maximum internal that you could have and still use it on a battery is 4 (1 in HDD Bay Inside, 1 In Right drive bay, 2 Toshiba PCMCIA Card drives...Max Storage 90 GB, they can only support up to 40 GB drives I dunno why), until/unless I figure this out.
Searching the internet has proved fairly useless. Anyone want to point me somewhere.
Master of Reality:
ummm... i dunno how, but i'm gonna move this to the Mac forum.
OK, no argument but delete it from the Lounge.
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