I don't practically any experience with Macs because I grew up with a PC, so I got used to a PC. Naturally I grew up with DOS, Windows, and QBASIC. I switched to Linux because I had heard vague and wonderful things about it, and I have since found countless reasons to stay with it. So practically all my computer experience has been with PCs, with an interesting result: I feel nauseous (sp?) whenever I see a Macintosh desktop! In theory I know that Macintosh's are probably as good or better than PCs for many things, but I hate to use them. No, I don't think Mac users are idiots

My point is, some people will never like Macs. The problem seems to be mainly in the "look and feel" (I know Microsoft stole it, but some people like how they changed it). Another big thing was the lack of a native command line. I use the command line even when I don't have to, because I don't like mice (too inaccurate). I even navigate Windows (when I have to use Windows) with the keyboard, because that's the way I was trained.
MacOSX, however, is just plain wonderful. "Look and feel" isn't an issue anymore since window managers can be changed, and those who want a command line can still use Macs. Linux users can migrate to Macintosh and get all the benefits of the hardware, and the support of a major corporation (Apple), without having to truly leave Linux.
I'm still using Redhat for now, but at least it's easier to communicate with Macintoshes.
Down with the evil empire!