Author Topic: Apple Laptop  (Read 874 times)


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Apple Laptop
« on: 25 March 2003, 01:18 »
i recently got a job and i am thinking about getting an Apple laptop. I will have around 500$ to spend on one. I am planning on getting it off ebay. I know it is going to be used which dosent bother me at all. I plan to do basic programing and web browsing and play diablo 2 on it. I also plan to run OSX on it. So what do you guys recommend me getting? I have been checking ebay and i am thinking about either a 400mhx ibook or a 500 mhz Powerbook. What would you say to look for in the notebook for what i am planning on doing with it?
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Apple Laptop
« Reply #1 on: 25 March 2003, 03:06 »
I don't know why, but Diablo II doesn't run very well on my Quicksilver. The entire time the CD is in the drive my computer is as loud as a motor boat. I don't know if you'll have the same problem if you're running it on an iBook or something though. But why on earth would you want to play D2? What a waste of time!


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Apple Laptop
« Reply #2 on: 25 March 2003, 04:04 »
i dont know for some strange reason i like D2.
this is one i would like to get.. Thats about what i am looking at so is it worth it or not.
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Apple Laptop
« Reply #3 on: 25 March 2003, 04:26 »
I've always heard that the pismo is the best laptop apple ever made.  However, for OSX I would recommend a G4 and for programming and web development I would recommend the bigger screen.  I would go with the tibook if you can find one cheap.  Also, it looks like that Pismo's reserve is $1000 which sounds like a rip to me, but I've never researched a pismo, so I couldn't say.  I have an iBook 600 and its great, just lacks in speed and screen size compared to my 733 Quicksilver.  Also the reason D2 is loud is because it requires the CD constantly, meaning it is always spinning.  This could be bad for a laptop in terms of heat, overusing the cd motor and definitely will drain the battery fast.  Although with old games I have been able to make a disc image from disk copy and it works, that would save you battery and time but would take up hard drive space.

I would definitely try to find a tibook, but I think they are probably still expensive on ebay.  Good Luck.


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Apple Laptop
« Reply #4 on: 25 March 2003, 04:38 »
thats not the one. Thats just one like it. and i would most likly get an ibook if it came down in price some. And i dont really need a big screen cause i will be doing c++ and little if no web developing.
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Apple Laptop
« Reply #5 on: 25 March 2003, 21:11 »
I did not know you could do C++ on OSX, I thought you had to use Objective C.  Does Carbon use C++?


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Apple Laptop
« Reply #6 on: 25 March 2003, 21:13 »
I'd like you point out that (at least in the Windows version) in D2, you can do a full install, which will install a huge chunc of the game onto the HD, not requiring constant access to the cdrom drive.


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Apple Laptop
« Reply #7 on: 25 March 2003, 21:41 »
You could find a refurbed iceBook for WAY under the cost of a pismo, and the iceBooks have WAY better video cards. Warcraft III is smooth as silk on my 700/16 MB Radeon Mobility 7500.

Look on
They have weekly price roundups on used machines.


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Apple Laptop
« Reply #8 on: 26 March 2003, 03:32 »
Originally posted by The Muffin Man:
You could find a refurbed iceBook for WAY under the cost of a pismo, and the iceBooks have WAY better video cards. Warcraft III is smooth as silk on my 700/16 MB Radeon Mobility 7500.

Look on
They have weekly price roundups on used machines.

you better be lying.  WCIII is choppy as shit at all lowest settings on my PowerMac G4 733 with a 32MB Radeon 7500.