Operating Systems > macOS

AHH! Finder is toast!

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Wonderful. I installed the QT 6.0.1 or whatever update via Software Update and now the Finder won't start. It just sits there trying to load over and over and over.

Any ideas?

If it's X.2, pop in the install disk and do an "Upgrade". It should restore all of your files without trashing your apps (usually, anyway). When the Wallstreet RagePro driver screwed my computer, I did this, and everything was back to normal in like 10 mins.

[ November 09, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]


quote:Originally posted by The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob:
Wonderful. I installed the QT 6.0.1 or whatever update via Software Update and now the Finder won't start. It just sits there trying to load over and over and over.

Any ideas?
--- End quote ---

Start up the computer while holding down the shift key. This will turn off extensions, remove the offending QuickTime and reinstall QT5 or whatever.

Muffin's suggestion worked. I didn't know extension disabling still worked in X... does it?

It doesn't. The only way to fix things in OS X without installing something is Single User Mode (or so I've been told).


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