Operating Systems > macOS

mac os9.1

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would anybody happen to have a copy of os 9.1 sitting around, in iso format, this would be a great decideing factor in testing the powerbook1400cs, cuase if in a month or so i can't get networking working on it, im gonna sell it. and i don't want to sell it



quote:Originally posted by choasmaster:
would anybody happen to have a copy of os 9.1 sitting around, in iso format, this would be a great decideing factor in testing the powerbook1400cs, cuase if in a month or so i can't get networking working on it, im gonna sell it. and i don't want to sell it

--- End quote ---

OS 9.1 would be an illegal give away wouldent it?

None the less, how much RAM do you have? OS 9.1 requires at least 64MB to run real nice. I had it on a 16MB RAM machine, that wasn't very fun. With a basic extension set, 32MB should be sufficient.

Anyway, I could give you a copy but Im not sure if it's quite Abandonware yet     :D    



Maybe you might wanna get another Pbook. I dunno, acording to this your gonna need an upgrade card to get the network working right.

[ July 23, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

btw, which numbers of MacOS are legal to redistribute?

OS 7.1 and earlier. Apple posts these on their website, in the old software download section (you have to dig for it though...)

well, it doesn't have a legal copy of os9.1 on it anyway, so i think that would kinda counteract the issue, and besides, if i can get it to work, ill be more swayed toward macs, cuase $100 worth eqiupment that don't work as adverstised just pisses me off, though thanx, the legal issue of giving macos 9.1 away shouldn't bother you too much, its not like you imprisoning someone/*like giving windows away*/ well thanks though


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