Operating Systems > macOS

mac os9.1

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If you hang on to it for a little while, I'm buying a powerbook, and it should come with OS 9. If it doesn't I have to buy it anyway, so I will post it for you to download off of my server if you want...


Chaosmaster I have 8.5 - the 8.6 update is free from Apple. E-mail me [email protected] . Anything he (chaosmaster) does with it is his responsiblility...I'm just talking with him, and I am completely against pirating Mac software. Windows software? That's a whole different story...

btw: 7.5.3 and below is free to distribute and can be downloaded from Apple's site.

[ August 06, 2002: Message edited by: Dustin ]

yeah, but i need 9.1, cuase i can't get it too boot from cd, on a powerbook 1400 how do you do that anyway, cuase school starts in about 2 weeks

You hold "c" from power button until the "Mac OS Whatever Version" screen.

There is very little difference between 8.6 and 9.

The 8.6 installer can be run from inside the Mac OS (If you have MacOS on there). If you don't, then it should default to the CD anyway.

Let me know...


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