Operating Systems > macOS

Hey Windows XP User, click here

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Go to hell. You are being gullable by letting Microsoft control you this way. i have seen too much data supporting mac and flaming windows to disregard it all based on a few trivial articles you post. Windows XP was only made to look more advanced than whatever the hell crummy OS came before it to make it appear that Microsoft can compete with Mac OS X. But they can't and Microsoft most likely never will be able to again.

You won't listen to me when I tell you this because you're and idiot, but you are completely clueless and Microsoft is manipulating you.

I don't feel like arguing with you. I've heard it all before from your kind and it was all pathetic. if you want some reasons why Mac is better go to my site and look in the articles/evange section.

Hey psyjax, you seem to be a tad bit moody toward some of the Windoids here. What made you change tactics?

I will be putting some stuff in your site in my newsletter!

Seattle? Your near Redmond sonny  
You now have a perfect oppertunity to drive to Redmond with some friends to throw eggs at the M$ building  :D


quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
Seattle? Your near Redmond sonny    
You now have a perfect oppertunity to drive to Redmond with some friends to throw eggs at the M$ building   :D  
--- End quote ---

Eggs...... ba ahahahaha... no throw 747's at them!
747's being flown by dirty arabs at them!


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