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Hey Misfit, is that really your pic? I think I have seen you on another board... hmmmm... i forget the name of it, some goth board or something  :D  (no offence)

Anyway, wellcome to fuckMicrosoft!


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
Hey Misfit, is that really your pic? I think I have seen you on another board... hmmmm... i forget the name of it, some goth board or something   :D   (no offence)

Anyway, wellcome to fuckMicrosoft!
--- End quote ---

1] yes that is really my pic, and misfit#57 is my identity on almost every board i use.

2] the only board i post on regularly anymore is the Pitchshifter.com forum, but i'm registered and have posted at straightdope.com, atthedrive-in.net, wizards of the coast, and on some network54.com boards (including mine, available thru my site)

anywho well thanx for the warm welcome, lol

Ya, Im absolutely sure I have seen that pic before. Oh well, whatver. I go to art school too, and Mac's rock! I'm actually taking comics and cartooning, have a current obsession with Dan Clowes which I recomend to all on the forum.


You should try and get your hands on OSX, it's awsome!

Hey, here is a great link for Mac stuff OSX and OS9:


It has tons of little utillities and stuff. And don't forget:


An even better resource!


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
have a current obsession with Dan Clowes

--- End quote ---

i love you.     no. seriously. hehe

*current project is a self-publication that i hope to reprint via fantagraphics*



back to computer oriented things....

thanx for the links, btw  :D


ps--rumor has it at my house that my grad present is a factory refurbed unit of raw power which will undoubtedly have osX.

we have so much garbage on this computer atm (ex, about 1.4 gig of mp3s) that we're kind of leery about messing with the OS on here atm. :S ah well


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