Operating Systems > macOS
Hey Windows XP User, click here
Master of Reality:
i hate to burst your inane pattern of thought Zombie, but i'm sure that MS finds hundreds of bugs in their products everyday. If it was open-source they would find even more and they would get fixed a hell of a lot faster than waiting for MS to put out another bugfix OS.
[ May 25, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]
Almost all of those Mozilla bugs will get fixed very quickly.
MS gets somewhere on the order of 200 bugs submitted everyday for IE, and they don't fix most of them. And when the release a patch or new version they casue more problems than they fix. There was a big one recently where a patch to fix privacy problem made it so that any website can read any IE cookie, effectively eliminating internet privacy in IE. Please don't make 128 bugs seem like a huge number, when IE gets more in the same time period. Any large program(like a web browser) has bugs that need to be worked out.
cat /dev/mem > /dev/mem
If my slightly rusty knowledge of the cat command is right wouldn't that copy /dev/mem to /dev/mem?
And the /dev section usually resets on every reboot. So Linux would fix any problems casued by that next reboot; while Windows won't fix device problems unless you reinstall the device drivers.
I'd still like to know if you've ever actually used Linux. And if so for how long before you gave up.
EDIT: and that code that was linked to puts XP in an endless loop. It can take up to an hour to crash the syatem.
[ May 25, 2002: Message edited by: Heru ]
haw haw haw! "hardon"! jeesus!!! what are you on, XP dork?
well i didn't write that code, so fuck it, and i'll never be testing it out on XP either.
Also, as mentioned above, there is no hope for you if you think thst a product is duff because it admits it has bugs. Everything starts off full of bugs. If a program or system actively encourages people to report and fix the bugs then the software concerned gets very good, very quickly. If not... well we've all seen the results.
That's why UNI/BSD and so on were so stable to start with. They had a bugs section in the manuals, so that the people reading the manual could fix the bugs and share their work, and also so that AT&T would fix half of the bugs themselves before they brought out a new version so they wouldn't have to have such an embarrassingly large bugs section!
It's a system that works, so why fuck with it?
Go back to your toy operating system, it suits you.....
quote: I'd still like to know if you've ever actually used Linux. And if so for how long before you gave up.
--- End quote ---
I'm using Linux right now as I type this. What, you think I'd actually dog something I've never used? I'm testing websites with Konqueror and Mozilla to see which ones they fail miserably on; it's quite fun. I also did a science fair project on Linux where I used it solely for over a year... how else would I know it sucked? If I were a competent programmer or could talk to some I could make Linux 10x better than Windows but those geeks don't listen or are too afraid of making it usable by normal people; they want it that way so they can feel better about themselves that they use an operating system that requires the reading of 27 books just to figure it out. The Linux geeks also cry out whenever anyone mentions standardizing Linux as if they are facists or something.. that kind of bullshit is why Linux will fail. "Choice" is good but the fools let it get in the way of the greater good that could be achieved.
I started using YDL from an almost purely MacOS background. I learned Linux just messing with it, no documentation aside from online help.
Wasn't THAT hard, maybe Windoze does make you dumb
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