Operating Systems > macOS

Hey Windows XP User, click here

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Ctrl Alt Del 123:
Someone discovers an IE bug, every news company posts an article about it, MS puts a patch for it for free download.

Someone discovers a bug in an open source browser, NO ONE posts ANY info about it, a fellow user fixes it and it's spread around.

That's just it. MS gets more publicity than any other company I know of. I've been told that the Linux kernel is updated almost everyday, not sure if it's true, but that would mean that Linux is being fixed/made better more so than Windows is.

Just a thought, can't put a lot of water behind it becuase I don't know myself how often the Linux kernel is updated.

Ctrl Alt Del 123:
Also, Macman, ihateapple.com is back up.


well, now, that'd explain the "ihateapple.com i back" thread, now wouldn't it.....


quote: ...aside from online help.
--- End quote ---

Yes, which I'm sure involved reading many a maddening "HOW-TO" page, and it just serves to prove how counter-intuitive the Linux system actually is.  It is a hodgepodge of often redundant, broken, and badly-interworking applications and tools that is a nightmare to navigate.  Not only that, but many of them are quite useless.  How can you say Windows XP is bloated in any way when at the same time you see no problem with Red Hat Linux containing an applet that puts a cartoon fish on your desktop, whose purpose, according to the "about" section is "to waste system resources?"

Some people may like how Linux works, but I'd prefer not to develop carpal tunnel syndrome typing a hundred pages of text on a terminal just to set up a modem. (This isn't usually the case with a modern distriubtion but it has been for me, since Linux didn't particularly like my brand of modem)

Arrgh, see what I mean by "badly interworking?"    I can't even copy and paste this writing from StarOffice to Konqueror without first copying it to XEdit!  And the font rendering seems to differ with every application!

Finally you make some valid complaints. I would write more, but I'm kind of buisy today.

None the less...

Linux has a long way to go before it becomes truely user friendly. None the less, I think for what it has achived in so little time, it truely is astounding. In the time line of things, linux and it's desktop environment KDE and GNOME, are on the cusp of becomeing on par, and even exceeding all of the big GUI's.

Remember, these things have only been around for a few years, weras MacOS and Windows have had 20 and 10 years respectively. Thus, I think the linux model is a good one, and will soon prove better than the commercial alternatives.


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