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Hey Windows XP User, click here

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Ctrl Alt Del 123:
I took up Macmans proof.

I went to google.com and typed in "Windows XP". I don't see any negative web pages. The 4th link down lead me to this: http://www.cnet.com/software/0-6688749.html and then I clicked on Windows XP Nightmares. Only 3 XP nightmares are listed here. I went back and clicked on Windows XP reviewed, it got a 8 out of 10 rating from C|Net.

Ok, this time I typed this in google.com, "Windows XP sucks" and sure got a lot of pages.

Now, lets try OS X. Went to google and typed Apple OS X. I got a shit load of pages from apple.com, and a lot of fan sites... screw this. I go to C|Net to see what lies there for OS X. Found the same type of page for OS X here: http://home.cnet.com/software/0-5211419.html?tag=st.cn.sr1.ssr.sw_macos I clicked on 4 scary tales, which is 1 more than the Windows XP super guid had. I also clicked on OS X Reviewed, and it also got a 8 out of 10. Mac OS X has it's problems.

Lets go find the OS deathmatchs...

Windows 2000 vs. OS X: http://home.cnet.com/software/0-429669-8-6112332-1.html

The Best and Winner OS? OS X.

Windows XP vs. OS X:

The Best and Winnder OS? A tie.

I agree, each has it's advantages and disadvantages, use what works for you.


quote: Posted by Windows Loser #666 90210
Computers should appeal to the dumbest people and that's why I like using Windows!
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Although this charlatan's rantings are clearly sarcastic, it does bring up something that you goons frequently spout off while you're wallowing in the self-gratifying sensation of blasting Microsoft.

Tell me, why do you people believe Windows is for idiots just because it's easy to use?  If that is so, then Macs must be made for only the most cretinous individuals, since the person who would complain about Windows being "too hard to use" is exactly the same type of person who couldn't dress himself without having an entourage of people to help him into his pants.

I'd also like to rid you misguided souls of the notion that Windows is only for playing games and looking up porn.  While it may be used for that a great deal, (Linux browsers don't display most porn pages correctly - don't ask me how I know this - and Linux doesn't have any good forms of gaming entertainment on it unless you consider spending ten hours of tweaking to get Diablo to run in a jerky wine window to be "entertainment".) Windows can actually do far, far more Linux users could ever dream of doing, which they'd see if they actually ever tried to use it.  Windows is used for professional graphics design, (like the Mac but without the expensive, overrated hardware and limited software choice) audio authoring/editing, 3d animation, web page design, business, and much more, and provides programmers with an excellent, consistent GUI API to write code in.  Also, while Linux may offer a "cheaper" solution for servers that looks free on the surface, the total cost of ownership can actually be higher for Linux than for Windows, especially if the IT people aren't familiar with Linux.  Microsoft outlines the advantages of Windows 2000 Server over Linux and Unix on their website. Windows can run just about every program in existance and, while most Windows programs aren't free, they are of a much higher quality than the pathetic open source imitations.

Master of Reality:
Limux browsers render porn a lot better than windows does, and faster too. Some porn sites like to crash PCs and since they dont have any way (or at least not neraly as many ways), they crash windows all the time.
.......uhhh....nevermind... i dont know anything about how good it renders porn    :rolleyes:    ;)    :eek:


quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
I'd also like to rid you misguided souls of the notion that Windows is only for playing games and looking up porn.  While it may be used for that a great deal, (Linux browsers don't display most porn pages correctly - don't ask me how I know this - and Linux doesn't have any good forms of gaming entertainment on it unless you consider spending ten hours of tweaking to get Diablo to run in a jerky wine window to be "entertainment".) Windows can actually do far, far more Linux users could ever dream of doing, which they'd see if they actually ever tried to use it.  Windows is used for professional graphics design, (like the Mac but without the expensive, overrated hardware and limited software choice) audio authoring/editing, 3d animation, web page design, business, and much more, and provides programmers with an excellent, consistent GUI API to write code in.  Also, while Linux may offer a "cheaper" solution for servers that looks free on the surface, the total cost of ownership can actually be higher for Linux than for Windows, especially if the IT people aren't familiar with Linux.  Microsoft outlines the advantages of Windows 2000 Server over Linux and Unix on their website. Windows can run just about every program in existance and, while most Windows programs aren't free, they are of a much higher quality than the pathetic open source imitations.
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If you belive any of that, I got some beach front property in Arizona id like to sell you.

Please, read some of the posts conserning windows and linux when applied to servers then come back and and say something sensible.

M$ themselves know that Linux/*NIX make better servers. Ever read the Halloween Documents?

Not to mention that several of their websites run Apache on UNIX.

Kereboros and much BSD code has been swiped by M$.

When it comes to graphics apps on the Mac, you can forget windows, be cause Mac's have and have had the edge here for a very long time. Im sorry, but the two just don't compare.

The Mac is way way way way better at handling fonts, color, printing, etc. And it's a wonder you even mention that concidering that 75 percent of the graphics and film industy use macs. UNIX boxes take up most of whats left leaving NT struggling behind.

Is windowz for idiots? Yes.

Because only an idiot would put up with M$'s Bullshit.


quote: When it comes to graphics apps on the Mac, you can forget windows, be cause Mac's have and have had the edge here for a very long time. Im sorry, but the two just don't compare.
--- End quote ---

Don't give me those lies!  Photoshop absolutely screams on my PC and actually outperforms every Mac benchmark I've seen on the internet.  Font handling?  In what way does Windows not handle fonts correctly?  3/4's of the film industry uses a Mac?  Back up your claims with evidence!  I fail to see how a program like Adobe Premiere or Maya would run better on even the fastest Mac compared to a dual-1.9 ghz PC system running Windows XP Pro.  You MUST be exaggerating because I have most of the adobe graphics apps on my PC and it blazes through all of them and at less than half the cost of a Mac system.  Windows XP has excellent font handling, printing, and multitasking, so if what you say is true then Adobe and others must deliberately cripple the PC versions of their apps, but from personal experience I have to refute that.


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