Operating Systems > macOS

Hey Windows XP User, click here

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quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
I fail to see how a program like Adobe Premiere or Maya would run better on even the fastest Mac compared to a dual-1.9 ghz PC system running Windows XP Pro.
--- End quote ---

Your absolutely right. That's why they run they run Maya primarly on RedHat Linux and they usualy don't use premere, because, well, bacause it's crappy. FinalCut is better along with Flint on UNIX boxes.

And yes, it is around 75 percent. Read  the letters to idiots in the feedback section.

My bro. works for dreamworks. All Mac's and UNIX boxes. He works with Maya every day, running RedHat under GNOME.

Go dilude yourselfe elsewere.


Oh, and not that Photoshop is not usable on a PC. It's not bad, I have seen great benchmarks for it, but from experience, the OS it'self is a hindrance.

It sux to work with plain and simple.

[ May 26, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

haw! christ! what a dumbass! i hope that took you ages to type in, moron!  :D

Bag of Poo's post has been deleted. He is persona non grata on this forum IMHO.

ASCII art of Penesis, is not funny.

[ May 27, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

XP User, you mentioned you had most of the Adobe softwares on your Windows PC. Did you happen to, erm, say, pirate those?

Sorry, couldn't resist, but a group of users who are so fantastically against Free Software (read: open source stuff) should probably not be pirating.

But, sadly, it seems to be quite popular around the Windows circles; the last 8 Windows users I've talked to don't even buy games or applications or OS's anymore and just leech them off Kazaa...

I'm surprised the Windows software industry hasn't eaten itself yet.

i think maybe we should be emailing all those windows users' IP addresses directly to the companies concerned when we suspect them to be pirating?

what d'ya think?

ps: Ctrl Alt Del 123, try this site:

[ May 28, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


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