Operating Systems > macOS
Hey Windows XP User, click here
:D :eek: :rolleyes: :( :cool: :confused:
oops posted in wrong topic
[ May 25, 2002: Message edited by: Garden GNOME ]
Well, "Macman" I guess I really put the bug up your butt to get you so upset like that. I went to your website and all I can say is how many brain cells did it take to make it? Three? Four? I know it must be difficult, but you need to understand it is you, not I, who has been hopelessly brainwashed by the Mac community, and you are clearly suffering from a severe case of psychosis induced by surrounding yourself in this devious environment. You clearly haven't used Windows XP at all, or you would see as I do that it is a superb operating system and there is no comparison between it and the overpriced rubbish that you and your ilk endorse. Owning a Mac is akin to owning Nike shoes; you pay for a name and enjoy looking down on "mere" PC users.
You are an idiot of impossible magnitude and therefore it is pointless for me to go on, as I doubt your meager brain will be able to assimilate what I have already stated.
quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
Well, "Macman" I guess I really put the bug up your butt to get you so upset like that. I went to your website and all I can say is how many brain cells did it take to make it? Three? Four? I know it must be difficult, but you need to understand it is you, not I, who has been hopelessly brainwashed by the Mac community, and you are clearly suffering from a severe case of psychosis induced by surrounding yourself in this devious environment. You clearly haven't used Windows XP at all, or you would see as I do that it is a superb operating system and there is no comparison between it and the overpriced rubbish that you and your ilk endorse. Owning a Mac is akin to owning Nike shoes; you pay for a name and enjoy looking down on "mere" PC users.
You are an idiot of impossible magnitude and therefore it is pointless for me to go on, as I doubt your meager brain will be able to assimilate what I have already stated.
--- End quote ---
WOW! Wasn't this an incredible feet of mental masterbation.
I own a PC right now running 2k (a much better OS than XP). 2k Is faster and not as bloated as XP, it also seems more stable as I have few if any application malfunctions. On my Mac I have VPC running windows 98SE. My friend runs XP, and since we basically live in each others room, I get to use it alot.
So I have used windows, and in fact still use it. The 2k Box is my game console (paid $150 for it wooo!), and I keep VPC around for playing old DOS games. For all of my other compunting, I use OSX.
I have seen all of these windows OS's crash, malfunction, or just plain do wierd stuff. I have never had OSX crash on me, ever.
I don't care about clock speeds exceeding 180Ghz, I don't care about having 2billion gigabytes of ram. Because I know, that my computer is so well optamised and tweeked to take advantage of the hardware and software it's running, that any PC would be hard pressed to match it.
Furthermore, OS X is based on UNIX. I don't care how much you love duble clicking my computer, and having to deal with spyware, worry about virii, or just plain put up with wondowz' BS. You can't beat UNIX for rock solid, heavy deuty computing. My dual 8 screems next to this 1200 AMD. Using PS7, Illo 10, and goLive is a dream on this computer, and I couldent imagine achiving the same level of productivaty on a pc.
I suppose you can benchmark faster clockspeeds, and process time to say that you can do it faster or something, but I find Windows it'self to be a hindrance. The interface has, since it's inception, been badly designed. Things are done illogicaly, and it takes an inordinate amount of steps to get something done.
A fun thing about OS X is that once you get your UNIX skills up (I have been learning). You can issue entire strings of commands into it, and bypass clicking all together.
Oh ya, this is another small miracle behing OSX, even though it's UNIX, it is still the most userfriendly intuative GUI in the world. Makes UNIX kind of painless to get into since I just learn a few commands here and there and use the interface to suppliment what I don't know.
Are Mac's overpriced? It depends if you value what you are getting. You pose Nike shoes as an example, I say it's more like a BMW vs. an Accord. You may get the Accord to run faster, but the BMW will allways be a plesure to drive, and never fall apart.
As far as being brainwashed by the Mac community that M$ is bad. I don't think you have to look far to see what a load of crap that statement is. Wether you like Mac's or not, M$ is not a force for good in the world. And to tell you the truth, that to me, is a major reason I go out of my way not to use their products.
I wouldent want Apple, M$, or the GNU, controling the computer industry (well, maybe the GNU ), Because that would be bad for everyone.
M$ is doing their best to try and dominate evry corner of the computer market in underhanded malicious ways. Have you read the Halloween Documents? M$ basicaly outlines their plan for taking out Linux and open source, they even admit in the document that Open source software is more powerfull and viable than their own proprietary stuff! They discuss using FUD against the open source community as well as other questionable methods for attacking "a process" rather than a company. Sounds like the thought police to me.
In conclusion, you may not like Mac's, or Linux (but to tell you the truth I don't think you have ever given eather of these a good shot), but certainly you can't stand behing M$.
Linux and OSX are, and allways have been years ahead of windows. M$ has mined these two sources for years and have created a hybrid monster. That is a fact.
quote:Originally posted by Macman:
Hey psyjax, you seem to be a tad bit moody toward some of the Windoids here. What made you change tactics?
--- End quote ---
Boredom :D
Nothing more fun than a little flaming.
i have to say, i'm a new poster here but not a new Mac user. i've been using them from the puny IIe through the 6205 and quad 800s , and i'm typing this from my cute lil indigo bubble. and i'm going to art skool at Art Inst., where the vast majority of units and programming are on macs (i'm in heaven! :D )
my point is, perhaps i'm biased (and who gives a raw red rip?) but that i know mac OS inside and out (well, more or less. i can make it do anything i want or need it to) and that's more than i could ever say of the tangled up Windoze os es.
i don't like the way MS bulldozes through, making a nice selection of programming (ex, messenger) but making it more complicated for those who choose to be different in the process--
this is the Internet, not Bill Gates' personally licensed exclusive-membership playground. we should be free to choose what hardware/OS/software we want. let's try and fix it so it works that way.
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