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Hey Windows XP User, click here

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I don't think he believes half of what he's saying. If he does however, then he's either plain stupid or simply mislead.

Sigh.. Calum dealt with most of your 'valid points' so I'll share my findings of winblows tweaking..

Furthermore, it is not mandatory to even touch the registry when you use Windows. Windows XP requires almost no tweaking because it works fine to begin with, unlike Linux, where one has to edit 8 config files just to get the fonts to not look like shit.][/QB]
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IF you use your winbox for surfing, low-end gaming(solitaire), and other irrelevant tasks like writing some notes etc. Then it's quite possible that you won't have to rip winblows guts out.

..ever heard nvidia detonator 60 Hz problem with win2000 and xp? (of course there's tweaking software available but that's no glory for winblows.)

- Linux doesn't have this problem.. strange isn't it?

..ever heard program registry entries that had to be removed manually because windows couldn't do it? (say you have 40+ installed programs of which 10 or more won't uninstall or unistall have failed.. so do you install your precious backup register and fuck up your system for good?)

- At least in rpm's you can see what's in it and where the packet files were installed (you surely know rpm?).

- by the way fonts in linux are just fine. If you are picky you could tweak one file for it         :D         (at least I did) Fonts in windows however are very ugly when compared to antialiased linux fonts. (Tweaking winblows fonts... hahahahahhahahhahaha)

etc. ad nauseum

I'll share an example with you guys. In the last automation control software project I accomplished some time ago, I had to overcome enormous problems because of windows 2000 pro.

The whole thing was a pilot-project for a new control architecture and I was convinced by control software vendor (they were convinced by mickeyware) that w2kp should do to trick (I doubt it then but it wasn't my money). The only thing winbox had to do was showing process parametres and collecting data. Yes.. it was a complete fuckup to choose w2kp.. even nt4 would have done better.
 In development (developers..        :D        ) phase all went on in normal winblows manner.. occational crashing..installing huge amount of patches.. backing shit up etc. But during the testing funny stuff started..you guessed it.. all the hell broke loose when winbox was exposed to production level burden..System was so fucked up and slow that you couldn't do anything with not to mention production supervising.

 In order to get system work I had to downgrade sql sampling by factor 6!, set ridicilous amount of ram for m$ sql-server because otherwise that crappy sad-excuse-for-a-data-server would jam the whole system!!  

Key findings in this project dealing with mickeyware..(by experience)

1) Sucking memory handling (this fucker couldn't set priorities (threading) between sql-server and control software unless huge amount of ram was dumped into rig (of what winblows doesn't use much)         :mad:        

2) Shit-o-kernel that allows programs to leak memory up 150-200 megs!!! Yes.. due to lack of resources a crashing module extension leaked memory (and reserved it after dying) 1 meg per second up 200 meg        :mad:        . I have never seen such behavior on stable linux kernel releases.

3) Hidious fragmentation of files.. i.e Whole collected data is messed up         :mad:        .. Do you know how much cpu time and cycles are wasted in windows if database is even 200 megs and 100000+ points are collected in every 10 secs if the data is fragmented (even if datatable is cluster indexed)?

All this was sorted out by downgrading demands for system performance (by factor 6) and increasing ram. The control app is fairly lightweight but w2kp and mickeyware sql server eats most of the resources... someone mentioned that winblows isn't bloatware??         :mad:          

One thing.. while I have read XPiss user 3986573249867432968743698 posts where he presents 'opinions' like "Xp is so much better and it does this and that much better etc." I've started to think that this 'gates lover' is m$ operative him/herself.
 Each and every post sound like those have been ripped from mickeysite. "Total cost of ownership... bla bla" xPimp user a word of wisdom for you. Don't try to feed us with your fuckup lies here. As mr. Calum pointed out. We chose something else than winblows and that is because we all came thru a painful realization that (used windows that is) windows is pure SHIT! No pro-mickey mambojambo shit will do difference here. Play with Xpiss as much you like but hold the line while preaching about the wonders of winblows.

.. And finally if you are microshit operative: FUCK OFF CUNT!!         :mad:         I hope m$ will be announced illegal due to harmful effect on people.

[ May 30, 2002: Message edited by: SingleMalt ]

Yikes! This topic has turned into a war zone!

Macman.. We were just giving some good advice for that poor mislead kid Xpiss user.    :D  


[ May 30, 2002: Message edited by: SingleMalt ]

speak for yrself! i was trying to piss him off by using FACTS to back up my argument, but i don't think XPuser74589675489657489678495768594764 could really understand such a complicated concept.

Besides, there's no way he'll ever change his opinion, since he would have too much to lose. If he ever admitted that windows was shit and Microsoft were lazy moneygrabbing bastards, he would have NOTHING to live for. I have seen stories like this about ex Microsoft employees...


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