Operating Systems > macOS

Hey Windows XP User, click here

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Sorry I meant I was..  :D

Ignoring some of SingleMalt's more offensive language, I'd have to agree with the memory leak problems...

Ever wonder why a good Winders swap file is ~2GB? Now you know.

Ignoring the performance issues (of which there are many) and moving to user interface problems...

I've found that files tend to be more corrupt on a Windows-running system than on others.

There's no kind of standard for application interfaces -- each application looks different (some have that daft windows-within-windows, some have different windows for each process, and some have tabs and pullthumbs... nowhere are we told where this stuff goes). While Linux certainly does have this problem with X Windows apps, the Mac is an elegant and singular user interface -- and it pays off.

Professionals use Macs. Graphics, sound, programming... you name it, they use Macs almost exclusively.

Macs are the #1 computer in Japan, a country which most people regard as the most technologically advanced on Earth.

Something else I hate - if Microsoft were never around, we would have standards in the computer industry and they would all work instead of having Microsoft release their "improved standard" which fails to operate on all platforms. Examples of this are: Java, TrueType, LinoColor, telnet, USB 2.0, FireWire, and TCP/IP (the Windows XP distribution of TCP/IP steals your bandwidth for some unknown use... and doesn't play nice in a multi-OS network).

they are just locking themselves out though, if all the other major OSs play nice with each other, admins will get the message to stay away from windows quite quickly, and it should have a trickle down or trickle up effect from there.

re: SingleMalt's offensive language, he was no more offensive than me, and he was only getting into the spirit of things, and anyway, this isfuckmicrosoft.com, so language liberally used should be tolerated     .

Macs are no 1 in Japan? that's good news! do you mean that more people actually run MacOS than do windows there?

also, does anybody have any other figures like this (eg what are the figures for unix/macOS/windows in China? and so on)

Also, re your interface problem (menus all over the place and so on), i agree with you in everything because windows is trying to be an intuitive multimedia platform, like MacOS but is failing partially for that reason. On the other hand, i don't think you can really call it a problem that linux has no cohesive structure about this scenario.
Linux doesn't seem (sadly) to have this unified interface issue high on its agenda, so this issue is not so critical for its users. The users of XP are probably more affected by having no common interface characteristics than the users of Linux.

Finally, programmers can get around these constraints on the mac, given even an inch of rope, example, here on my mac, mozilla has "tabs" (the windows within windows, but without the ability to resize them) and opera starts up each new instance in a totally separate window as per usual. I actually prefer the mozilla way, but must i put up with multiple windows in Opera (which i prefer in most other ways to mozilla) just so it can maintain the cohesive look and feel of MacOS? If i were using windows (and i'm not defending the "OS" here!), Opera would also have this "windows within windows " structure (although i think you can change it to multiple instances in the newest version).

Customisability, you see, and that's why linux will always have this "problem"   :D   just my thoughts.....

[ May 30, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:

3/4's of the film industry uses a Mac?  Back up your claims with evidence!  
--- End quote ---

Psyjax is right. 75 percent or more of the film and video industry uses Macs to handle their work. I've worked in film for 15 years and I can tell you from firsthand experience that Macs are almost exclusively used by film production people as well. A pretty good indicator of how heavily they are used is how often they appear in Feature Films and Prime Time TV Shows (mostly in the form of iBooks or Powerbooks). See, it's easier to place the Producer's Powerbook or the Director of Photography's iBook in a scene, shoot it and contact Apple later for the product placement legal release. Even the boys in Cupertino know free advertising when it comes knocking on their door. As for the Post Production and GFX industries I would say Apple dominates there as well. At my shop we use Dual 1Ghz G4's loaded with Ice Cards to crunch broadcast quality GFX. We could use comparable AMD or Intel equipped kit boxes which would be much cheaper but they don't measure up. We don't use benchmarks to test performance, we abuse them with everything we have, and in my experience the difference between a Dual G4 packed with RAM and a similarly equipped Windows box is pretty noticeable. We also use SGI Octanes to run Flame, but that would be an apples to oranges comparison.


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