Operating Systems > macOS

My Newly Acquired G5, And . . .

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quote:Originally posted by The Stiller:
yeah, or we could do the contract thing like jeffberg was saying. that way non of us could get ripped off.

but this guy hasn't posted in a while.
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Well the contract wouldn't hold up in court. but it would be enough to convince the bank that you got screwed and then have them not pay the 500 to this Xenix guy's Paypal or similar account.

Thats the great thing about credit cards.  On most of them, you are allowed to refute a payment 60 days after you recieve your bill.  So its almost impossible to get screwed when using your credit card.  The contract is just something to show that bank that Xenix and the buyer signed it and he has not fulfulled his half of the deal.

Where art thou Xenix?  We want out G5's

I know this is an old topic, but the other day I was at comp usa getting a new mouse I saw a g5 and it was amazing. I didn't have time to do much I opened up the system profiler and it was up mad fast. was on one of those big displays and I was amazed by the size.


quote:Originally posted by Xenix God:
Yes, you heard right.

I've placed an order for the "dual" 2.0Ghz G5 alumitower.  Quite excited . . .

And I only put down $500.00.  How, you ask?  It's called "Having a Best Friend Work at Infinity Loop, Cupertino, as a 'Tier 2' Tech Support guy. . ."

(No idea what "Tier 2" means, except DISCOUNTS).

So the header of this article is misleading; I haven't acquired anything, yet.  But I did toy with the 1.6Ghz G5 at our local Apple retailer.


On to more interesting things . . .

This forum topic is REALLY about the rumors that Apple might bring to the surface a new incarnation of "neXt" . . . the company it bought in 1997 -- upon whose O.S. OSX is built.

Originally I saw no substance to this rumor, however the image below may persuade you to think Differently . ..

This is Ripley, last surviving member of the Nostromo, signing off . . .
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I have yet to see gaming performance evaluations done with the G5. Do me a favor and whoever gets one, be sure to check and see how many FPS you get on quake 3. I really am curious.


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